851-0242-03L  Introduction to General Pedagogy

SemesterSpring Semester 2018
LecturersL. Haag
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman
CommentEnrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate.

Prerequisite: successful participation in 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW1)".

851-0242-03 GEinführung in die allgemeine Pädagogik Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
1. Teil: 15./16.2.2018
2. Teil: 23.3.2018
24s hrs
15.02.09:15-17:00LFW C 4 »
16.02.09:15-17:00LFW C 4 »
23.03.09:15-17:00HG E 33.3 »
L. Haag