151-3202-00L  Product Development and Engineering Design

SemesterSpring Semester 2018
LecturersK. Shea, T. Stankovic
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentNumber of participants limited to 70.

151-3202-00 GProduct Development and Engineering Design
The course starts in the second week of the semester.
Additional lecture hours: Tue 10.04.2018 at 16-17 and Tue 29.05.2018 at 16-17.
2 hrs
Tue13:15-16:00HG K 30.1 »
10.04.16:15-17:00HG K 30.1 »
29.05.16:15-17:00HG K 30.1 »
K. Shea, T. Stankovic