364-0576-00L  Advanced Sustainability Economics

SemesterSpring Semester 2023
LecturersE. Komarov, C. Renoir
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentPhD course, open for MSc students

AbstractThe course covers current resource and sustainability economics, including ethical foundations of sustainability, intertemporal optimisation in capital-resource economies, sustainable use of non-renewable and renewable resources, pollution dynamics, population growth, and sectoral heterogeneity. A final part is on empirical contributions, e.g. the resource curse, energy prices, and the EKC.
Learning objectiveUnderstanding of the current issues and economic methods in sustainability research; ability to solve typical problems like the calculation of the growth rate under environmental restriction with the help of appropriate model equations.

Please note that the course takes places in Zurichbergstrasse 18, which requires an ETH card to enter. We kindly ask Non-ETH students to inform
Clément Renoir if they would like to attend.