151-0524-00L  Continuum Mechanics I

SemesterAutumn Semester 2022
LecturersA. E. Ehret
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

AbstractThe lecture deals with constitutive models that are relevant for the design and analysis of structures. These include anisotropic linear elasticity, linear viscoelasticity, plasticity and viscoplasticity. The basic concepts of homogenization and laminate theory are introduced. Theoretical models are complemented by examples of engineering applications and experiments.
Learning objectiveBasic theories for solving continuum mechanics problems of engineering applications, with particular focus on constitutive models.
ContentAnisotropic elasticity, Linear elastic and linear viscous material behavior, Viscoelasticity, Micro-macro modelling, Laminate theory, Plasticity, Viscoplasticity, Examples of engineering applications, Comparison with experiments
Lecture notesyes