Only for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology BSc.
The course unit can only be taken once. Repeated enrollment in a later semester is not creditable.
227-0085-13 P
Projekte & Seminare: Assembling and Controlling a Tuning-Fork AFM
Für den Zugang zum Angebot und zur Einschreibung loggen Sie sich hier ein (mit Ihrem n.ETHZ account): Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Seite jeweils erst zwei Wochen vor Semesterbeginn zugänglich ist und im Verlauf des Semesters wieder abgeschaltet wird. Die Einschreibung ist nur von Freitag vor Semesterbeginn bis zum ersten Freitagmittag im Semester möglich.
To access the offer and to enroll for courses log in (with your n.ethz account): Please note that the P&S-site is accessible no earlier than two weeks before the start of the semester until four weeks after the start of the semester. Enrollment is only possible from Friday before the start of the semester until noon of the first Friday in the semester.
The category of "Laboratory Courses, Projects, Seminars" includes courses and laboratories in various formats designed to impart practical knowledge and skills. Moreover, these classes encourage independent experimentation and design, allow for explorative learning and teach the methodology of project work.
Learning objective
Invented in the 1980s in Zurich and awarded with the Kavli prize in 2016, the atomic force microscope (AFM) has enabled us to visualize surfaces at the single atom level, and to measure single molecule and cell-cell interactions, deepening our understanding of material science and biology. This is achieved by controlling micromechanical piezo actuators with nanometer precision and processing noisy signals in order to achieve meaningful data.
In order to introduce you to the capabilities of modern AFMs in biomedical sensing, you will build your own setups in groups of two. You will be introduced to an AFM’s functionality, control, and signal read-out using LabView. A signal of an oscillating tuning-fork will be used as feedback for the self-built AFM. In order to better understand the working principle of a tuning fork, you will also build your own frequency sweeper and analyze it with self-built low-pass filters.
After you have implemented your own setup, you will have the chance to characterize different biomedical samples on state-of-the-art setups. This data will then be analyzed using Python. The focus of this P&S seminar is to enable you to transfer your theoretical knowledge into practice and at the same time get to know how electrical engineering can be used in biomedical research.
The course requires active participation during the practical sessions, a 10-15 min presentation and a short written report on the acquired results. The course will be given in English.