151-0590-00L  Control Systems II

SemesterSpring Semester 2022
LecturersL. Guzzella
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman

AbstractFor SISO systems: Controller design (PID, cascades, predictors, numerical methods), compensation of nonlinearities, controller realization. For MIMO systems: Design of state feedback controllers, state observers and observer-based controllers in time domain, in particular LQR and LQG approaches. Robustness analysis and approaches for robustness recovery. Controller design in frequency domain.
Learning objectivePart I: The students are able to design and implement effective SISO controllers and to compensate the most important nonlinearities.
Part II: The students understand the differences between SISO and MIMO control systems and can apply the most important analysis and synthesis methods for MIMO control loops.
ContentPart I: More effective design methods for SISO controllers (PID, cascaded control loops, predictors, numerical methods). Compensation of the most important nonlinearities. Controller realization with analog and digital elements.
Part II: Extension of the basic SISO ideas (time and frequency domain, controllability, observability, eigenvalues, poles, zeros, frequency response, etc.) to MIMO systems. Design of state feedback controllers in time domain, in particular LQR approaches. Design of state observers and observer-based controllers with state feedback, in particular LQG approaches. Robustness analysis for MIMO control loops and approaches to increase robustness. Outlook to controller design in frequency domain. Several case studies.
Lecture notesScript for Control Systems II.

Parts from Analysis and Synthesis of Single-Input Single-Output Control Systems, Lino Guzzella, vdf Hochschulverlag.

In addition, the slides of the lecture will be made available online.
Literature- Analysis and Synthesis of Single-Input Single-Output Control Systems, Lino Guzzella, vdf Hochschulverlag.

- S. Skogestad and I. Postlethwaite. Multivariable Feedback Control, Analysis and design, 2nd ed. John Wiley and Sons.

- K. Zhou with J. C. Doyle. Essentials of Robust Control. Prentice Hall.

- Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers Karl J. Åström and Richard M. Murray
Prerequisites / NoticeKnowledge of the classical control theory (e.g. from the "151-0591-00 - Control Systems I" course).