402-0470-17L  Optical Frequency Combs: Physics and Applications

SemesterSpring Semester 2022
LecturersG. Scalari
Periodicityyearly recurring course
CourseDoes not take place this semester.
Language of instructionEnglish

AbstractIn this lecture, the goal is to review the physics behind mode-locking in these various devices, as well as discuss the most important novelties and applications of the newly developed sources.
Learning objectiveIn this lecture, the goal is to review the physics behind mode-locking in these various devices, as well as discuss the most important novelties and applications of the newly developed sources.
ContentSince their invention, the optical frequency combs have shown to be a key technological tool with applications in a variety of fields ranging from astronomy, metrology, spectroscopy and telecommunications. Concomitant with this expansion of the application domains, the range of technologies that have been used to generate optical frequency combs has recently widened to include, beyond the solid-state and fiber mode-locked lasers, optical parametric oscillators, microresonators and quantum cascade lasers.
In this lecture, the goal is to review the physics behind mode-locking in these various devices, as well as discuss the most important novelties and applications of the newly developed sources.

Chapt 1: Fundamentals of optical frequency comb generation
- Physics of mode-locking: time domain picture
Propagation and stability of a pulse, soliton formation
- Dispersion compensation
Solid-state and fiber mode-locked laser
Chapt 2: Direct generation
Microresonator combs: Lugiato-Lefever equation, solitons
Quantum cascade laser: Frequency domain picture of the mode-locking
Mid-infrared and terahertz QCL combs
Chapt 3: Non-linear optics
Chapt 4: Comb diagnostics and noise
Jitter, linewidth
Chapt 5: Self-referenced combs and their applications
Chapt 6: Dual combs and their applications to spectroscopy