535-0011-00L  Drug Seminar

SemesterAutumn Semester 2021
LecturersA. Burden, K.‑H. Altmann, M. Detmar, K. Eyer, C. Halin Winter, J. Hall, S.‑D. Krämer, J.‑C. Leroux, C. Müller, V. I. Otto, U. Quitterer, J. Scheuermann, R. Schibli, C. Steuer
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentThe course is reserved for students registered in the Master's programme in Pharmacy or in Pharmaceutical Sciences

535-0011-00 SDrug Seminar Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Presentation on 4th and 5th of November 2021
125s hrs
23.09.15:45-17:30HCI J 7 »
04.11.07:45-17:30HIT E 51 »
05.11.07:45-17:30HIT E 51 »
A. Burden, K.‑H. Altmann, M. Detmar, K. Eyer, C. Halin Winter, J. Hall, S.‑D. Krämer, J.‑C. Leroux, C. Müller, V. I. Otto, U. Quitterer, J. Scheuermann, R. Schibli, C. Steuer