103-0327-00L  History of Spatial Planning

SemesterAutumn Semester 2021
LecturersM. Koll-Schretzenmayr
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman

AbstractThe course examines the patterns of cleavage, conflict, convergence of interest, and consensus that have influenced spatial planning.
Learning objectiveThis course aims to provide students with knowledge of the historical background to understand the current spatial structure and to face the current challanges in spatial planning.
Social, cultural, and economic forces will be analyzed for the roles they have played in shaping the landscapes and cityscapes and the answers spatiall planning had to spatial development. The course focuses on the history of planning ideas, paradigms and approaches. A link is made to current challanges in spatial planning. Students will critically discuss the challenges spatial planning is facing today.
Lecture notesHandouts will be available.
LiteratureMartina Koll-Schretzenmayr (2008): gelungen-misslungen? Die Geschichte der Raumplanung Schweiz. NZZ Libro.

Martina Schretzenmayr, Andreas Teuscher, Simona Casaulta-Meyer: Die Schweiz plant. Zürich 2017.

Michael Koch, Städtebau in der Schweiz 1800-1990, Zürich 1992.

Angelus Eisinger: Städte bauen: gta Verlag 2004.

Daniel Kurz: Die Disziplinierung der Stadt - Moderner Städtebau in Zürich 1900 bis 1940. gta Verlag 2008

Leendertz, Ariane: Ordnung schaffen. Deutsche Raumplanung im 20. Jahrhundert. Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2010

Jörn Düwel, Niels Gutschow: Ordnung und Gestalt: Geschichte und Theorie des Städtebaus in Deutschland 1922 bis 1975. 2019.