061-0141-20L  Foundation Studio I

SemesterAutumn Semester 2020
LecturersT. Galí-Izard, C. Girot, G. Vogt
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentFor MScLA students only.
Classes (and critiques) are held in English and German.

061-0141-20 UFoundation Studio I Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
No course from 19.-23.10.20 (seminar week).
The weekly schedule is published on the course website (and is included in the reader)
Classes (and critiques) are held in English and German.
26 hrs
15.09. - 20.11.11:45-16:30HIQ C 11 »
24.11. - 17.12.08:00-11:30HIQ C 11 »
12:45-17:30HIQ C 11 »
18.12.08:00-12:30HIQ C 11 »
T. Galí-Izard, C. Girot, G. Vogt