151-0015-10L  Engineering Tool: Experimental Modal Analysis

SemesterAutumn Semester 2020
LecturersD. Spescha
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman
CommentAll Engineering Tools courses are for MAVT Bachelor’s degree students only.

Number of participants limited to 16.

AbstractMeasuring and analysis methods for the determination of transfer functions of mechanical structures. Evaluation and preparation of the measured data for visualisation and interpretation of the dynamic behaviour.
Learning objectiveIntroduction into the practical application of measuring and analysis methods for determination of transfer functions of mechanical structures. Evaluation and preparation of the measured data for visualisation and interpretation of the dynamic behaviour.
ContentHandling of accelerometers and force transducers, measurement of transfer functions of mechanical structures, determination and visualisation of vibration modes using practical examples, introduction to vibration theory and its fundamental terms.
Lecture notesyes, distribution in the course (CHF 20.-)
Prerequisites / NoticeIn the practical part of the course, the participants will carry out measurements on structures themselves and then analse them with respect to natural frequencies and vibration modes.