101-0637-20L  Fundamentals of Wood Elaboration and Woodmachining

SemesterAutumn Semester 2019
LecturersI. Burgert, M. Schubert
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman

AbstractThe lecture Wood processing conveys knowledge on technological properties of wood and wood-based materials as well as on industrial processes for the fabrication of a vast variety of wood products and covers new developments in the field of digital technologies.
Learning objectiveLearning target is a fundamental understanding of the dominating wood machining processes, which are applied to fabricate common wood products. Students will be introduced to the economic relevance of the renewable resource wood and are trained in its technological properties. The students will learn to identify the relationships between wood species and their properties as well as the suitable wood machining processes to fabricate targeted wood products. Finally, the digital transformation process, which will affect all sectors of the wood industry with impact on the entire value chain and business models will be covered. It will be illustrated how production processes will become more flexible, efficient and less resource demanding.
ContentThe general introduction shows the economic relevance of the resource wood in a global, European and Swiss context and reflects aspects of sustainability in wood production and certification. In terms of bulk wood products a specific focus in laid on sawn timber production and drying processes. With regard to wood veneer production, steaming, veneer cutting and assembly to veneer lumber products are presented. Further the common technologies for the production of particle boards and fibre boards as well as paper will be discussed. In the following, the topics are related to wood gluing and wood protection as well as potentials and limitations in the application of wood and wood-based products. In a further part, the lecture deals with the most important digital technologies, e.g. Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and their impact on the wood industry on the basis of illustrative examples. At the end of the lecture an excursion to a Swiss wood manufacturer is planned, in order to facilitate practical experience.