701-0015-00L  Transdisciplinary Research: Challenges of Interdisciplinarity and Stakeholder Engagement

SemesterAutumn Semester 2017
LecturersM. Stauffacher, C. E. Pohl
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

701-0015-00 STransdisciplinary Research: Challenges of Interdisciplinarity and Stakeholder Engagement
takes place on the following Wednesdays (8h15-12h00): 4 October, 1 November, 15 November, 29 November, 13 December
2 hrs
04.10.08:15-12:00ML H 43 »
01.11.08:15-12:00CHN K 77 »
15.11.08:15-12:00CHN K 77 »
29.11.08:15-12:00CHN K 77 »
13.12.08:15-12:00CHN K 77 »
M. Stauffacher, C. E. Pohl