402-0038-00L  Physics

SemesterSpring Semester 2017
LecturersC. Grab
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionGerman
CommentCourse will no longer take place after FS 2017.

Only for Computer Science BSc, Programme Regulations 2008.

AbstractIntroduction to physics with emphasis on mechanics, relativity, thermodynamics und electromagnetism. Demonstrations, examples and exercises illustrate the basic concepts.
Learning objectiveBecome familiar with some of the important topics in classical and modern physics.
Motion, Newton's axioms, work and energy, vibrations and waves, special relativity.

Thermodynamics: temperature, gases, thermal radiation, engines

Electrostatics, stationary currents, time dependent fields, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves.
Lecture notes'Physics for Informatics Students'
Lecture taught at ETH Zurich in FS15
Prof. Dr. A.Rubbia
(Script in German)
Literature"Principles of Physics"
Author: Halliday, David
Wiley & Sons, 2010
ISBN 978-0-470-56158-4
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisites: mathematical foundations, vectors, calculus.