851-0705-02L  Environmental Law: Topics and Case Studies

SemesterAutumn Semester 2016
LecturersC. Jäger
Periodicityyearly recurring course
CourseDoes not take place this semester.
Language of instructionGerman
CommentNumber of participants limited to 20.

Prerequisites: Environmental Law: Conceptions and Fields (851-0705-01L) offered in spring semester.

Particularly suitable for students of D-ARCH, D-BAUG, D-USYS

AbstractThis workshop offers to the students the opportunity to intensify their environmental legal knowledge on the basis of individual topics or cases of their respective programme or professional interest in a guided self-study. They develop a better understanding for the practical application of legal regulations on environmental matters.
Learning objectiveThe aim of this workshop is to equip students with legal skills and methods to solve or treat problems and questions of the environmental law and foster the understanding on the possibilities and limits of legal problem-solving. The students choose an inquiry with practical relevance. To this end they work out the legal basis demonstrating a legal correct solution or approach to a solution. In doing so, students will get to know legal methods and research possibilities.
ContentAt the beginning of the workshop the students are introduced to the legal methods and sources as well as in the aim and the process of the workshop. The participants will organize themselves in a team of two persons giving themselves an inquiry on topics of the environmental law. It is also possible to choose questions at the interfaces of e.g. zoning law, energy law, transport law. A proposal, which will be presented to the lecturer, as well as an optional Q&A-session in class will facilitate the start. Next the working on topics will follow by self-study. The results will be presented in form of a memo/paper with a maximum of ten pages (excluding graphs and tables). At the end of the workshop, a presentation of ten minutes will be made to the plenum including a question-and-answer session . Class language will be German.
Lecture notesDen Studierenden werden Unterlagen zur juristischen Metoden- und Quellenlehre sowie zum Inhalt und Ablauf des Kurses zu Beginn der Veranstaltung kostenlos abgegeben.
LiteratureRechtsgrundlagen, Literatur und Gerichtsentscheide werden themenspezifisch selber rechechiert, unter Mithilfe und Beratung des Dozenten.
Prerequisites / NoticeDie Veranstaltung erfordert die Bereitschaft, sich aktiv und selbständig mit einer selbstgewählten Fragestellung oder einem eigenen Fallbeispiel aus dem Gebiet des Umweltrechts und allenfalls aus Schnittstellengebieten auseinanderzusetzen. Damit die Interaktivität und die Begleitung der Teams gewährleistet werden kann, ist die Teilnehmerzahl auf maximal 16 Personen beschränkt. Es handelt sich um eine Vertiefungsveranstaltung. Der Besuch der Vorlesung "Umweltrecht: Konzepte und Rechtsgebiete" (851-0705-01) ist Voraussetzung.