Introduction into our research and collaboration in actual research projects. The goal is to encourage independent scientific thinking and to translate theoretical knowledge into practical experiments. The course includes reading of original articles and presentation of the work done.
Learning objective
Collaboration in actual research projects to encourage independent scientific thinking and translation of theoretical knowledge into practical experiments. Further goals are reading and interpretation of original literature and presentation of ones work.
Introduction into our research and collaboration in actual research projects. The goal is to encourage independent scientific thinking and to translate theoretical knowledge into practical experiments. The paradigms include in vivo experiments with rats and/or mice. Next to behavioral analysis also histological and anatomical analysis is done. The course includes reading of original articles and presentation of the work done.
Lecture notes
Original articles will be handed out and discussed during the course.
Original articles will be handed out and discussed during the course.
Performance assessment
Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)