851-0732-01L  Workshop and Lecture Series in Law and Economics

SemesterSpring Semester 2021
LecturersA. Stremitzer
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

851-0732-01 SWorkshop and Lecture Series in Law and Economics
**together with University of Zurich**

The course takes place weekly (except 1.6. where the course takes place on Tues only) on Wed. 4-6 pm. The following dates are additionally and will be offered by UZH: Tues. 23.02.2021/ 25.05.2021/ 01.06.2021. No additional registration necessary. All online courses.
30s hrs
Tue16:15-18:00UNI ZH .
Wed16:15-18:00IFW A 32.1 »
A. Stremitzer