701-1502-00L  Transdisciplinary Case Study

SemesterSpring Semester 2019
LecturersM. Stauffacher, P. Krütli
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish
CommentNumber of participants limited to 25.
Students have to apply for this course by sending a two-page motivation letter (why are you interested? what do you want to learn? what can you contribute?) to michael.stauffacher@usys.ethz.ch and pius.kruetli@usys.ethz.ch (latest by January 31, 2019).

Important: for students in Agricultural Sciences, the case study can replace the compulsory course 751-1000-00L Interdisciplinary Project Work!

701-1502-00 PTransdisciplinary Case Study Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
The course starts on 20 February at 13h15 in CHN K77.
In addition to the weekly Wednesday afternoons (13h15-17, plus additionally approx. 2 hrs. homework per week), the course is organised as block course with the following compulsory elements:
- Two block days: Fri-Sat, March 8-9, 2019
- Three block weeks (after the semester end): Wed June 19 – Fri July 5, 2019
210s hrs
Wed13:15-17:00CHN K 77 »
M. Stauffacher, P. Krütli