401-6215-00L  Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics (Part I)

SemesterHerbstsemester 2023
DozierendeM. Mächler
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung

KurzbeschreibungThe course provides the first part an introduction to the statistical/graphical/data science software R (https://www.r-project.org/) for scientists. Topics covered are data generation and selection, graphical and basic statistical functions, creating simple functions, basic types of objects.
LernzielThe students will be able to use the software R for simple data analysis and graphics.
InhaltThe course provides the first part of an introduction to the statistical software R for scientists. R is free software that contains a huge collection of functions with focus on statistics and graphics. If one wants to use R one has to learn the programming language R - on very rudimentary level. The course aims to facilitate this by providing a basic introduction to R.

Part I of the course covers the following topics:
- What is R?
- R Basics: reading and writing data from/to files, creating vectors & matrices, selecting elements of dataframes, vectors and matrices, arithmetics;
- Types of data: numeric, character, logical and categorical data, missing values;
- Simple (statistical) functions: summary, mean, var, etc., simple statistical tests;
- Writing simple functions;
- Introduction to graphics: scatter-, boxplots and other high-level plotting functions, embellishing plots by title, axis labels, etc., adding elements (lines, points) to existing plots.

The course focuses on practical work at the computer with R. We will make use of the graphical user interface RStudio: www.rstudio.org

Note: Part I of UsingR is complemented and extended by Part II, which is offered during the second part of the semester and which can be taken independently from Part I.
SkriptAn Introduction to R. http://stat.ethz.ch/CRAN/doc/contrib/Lam-IntroductionToR_LHL.pdf
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe course resources will be provided via the Moodle web learning platform.
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