This course extends the introductory course "Introduction to Magnetism" to the latest, modern topics in research in magnetism and spintronics. After a short revisit of the basic magnetism concepts, emphasis is put on novel phenomena in (ultra)thin films and small magnetic structures, displaying effects not encountered in bulk magnetism.
Knowing the most important concepts and applications of ferromagnetism, in particular on the nanoscale (thin films, small structures). Being able to read and understand scientific articles at the front of research in this area. Learn to know how and why magnetic storage, sensors, memories and logic concepts function. Learn to condense and present the results of a research articles so that colleagues understand.
Magnetization curves, magnetic domains, magnetic anisotropy; novel effects in ultrathin magnetic films and multilayers: interlayer exchange, spin transport; magnetization dynamics, spin precession. Applications: Magnetic data storage, magnetic memories, spin-based electronics, also called spintronics.
Lecture notes will be handed out (in English).
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes
This course can be easily followed also without having attended the "Introduction to Magnetism" course. Language: English.
Information zur Leistungskontrolle (gültig bis die Lerneinheit neu gelesen wird)