529-0549-01L  Case Studies in Process Design I

SemesterHerbstsemester 2021
DozierendeG. Guillén Gosálbez, J. Dolenc, U. Fischer
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung

529-0549-01 ACase Studies in Process Design I
This course does not take place on a weekly basis. Instead, a case study is carried out by the students in a specific "case study week", 25-29 October 2021. Besides, there will be four introductory lectures to the project (before the case study week) as follows: October 1/8/15/22 from 13-16.
39s Std.
01.10.12:45-15:30HPK D 3 »
08.10.12:45-15:30HPK D 3 »
15.10.12:45-15:30HPK D 3 »
22.10.12:45-15:30HCP E 47.4 »
G. Guillén Gosálbez, J. Dolenc, U. Fischer