101-0587-00L  Workshop on Sustainable Building Certification

SemesterHerbstsemester 2021
DozierendeD. Kellenberger
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarMaximale Teilnehmerzahl: 25

KurzbeschreibungBuilding labels are used to certify buildings and neighbourhoods in term of sustainability. Many different labels have been developed and can be used in Switzerland (LEED, DGNB, SNBS, Minergie, 2000-Watt-Sites). In this course the differences between the certification labels and its application on 3 emblematic case study buildings will be discussed.
LernzielAfter this course, the students are able to understand and use the different certification labels.
They have a clear view of what the labels take into consideration and what they don't.
InhaltThree buildings case study will be presented.

Different certification schemes, including LEED (American standard), DGNB (German Standard with Swiss adaptation), Label SNBS, MINERGIE-ECO and 2000-Watt-Site (Swiss standards) will be presented and explained by experts.

After this overall general presentation and in order to have a closer look to specific aspects of sustainability, students will work in groups and assess during one or two weeks this specific criteria on one of the case studies presented before. This practical hands on the label will end with a presentation and a discussion where we will highlight differences between the labels.

This alternance of working session on one specific criteria for one specific building followed by a group presentation and discussion to compare labels is repeated for the different focus point (operation energy, mobility, daylight, indoor air quality).
SkriptThe slides from the presentations will be made available.
LiteraturAll documents for certification labels as well as detail plans of the buildings will be available for the students.