851-0252-60L  Future Learning Spaces: HIL Workshop for Non Architects

SemesterHerbstsemester 2019
DozierendeB. Emo Nax, M. Kaijima
Periodizitäteinmalige Veranstaltung
KommentarWorkshop for non-architects. Architects register for a "Vertiefungsarbeit” at the Chair of Momoyo Kaijima.

Number of participants limited to 10.

Application: Please apply until August 31, 2019, by sending an email to emob@ethz.ch with a motivation letter (1 page)

KurzbeschreibungThis course is for D-ARCH students taking the Informal Learning Spaces Design Studio. Students develop their studio project to gain a better understanding of how users behave in that space. Supported by a theoretical foundation in spatial cognition, students observe, analyse and document how their case study is used by others.
LernzielThe aim of the seminar is for students to engage with what makes a good learning space. Students develop the intervention proposed in the design studio. By observing and documenting how other students interact with their interventions, students will be able to answer questions about what makes a good learning space for ETH students.
InhaltWhat makes a good learning space? How does this differ for students from different disciplines? This interdisciplinary seminar addresses the design of learning spaces by combining methods from architecture and psychology.

Students are taught formal methods of behavioural observation so that they can observe and analyse how their intervention is used by others (students, faculty, visitors) over time. By collecting behavioural data on how their intervention is used, students will be able to assess the impact of their design on other users. The seminar encourages students to critically reflect on what elements are necessary for designing the learning spaces of the future.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesAccess to the course is restricted to D-ARCH students of the Informal Learning Spaces Design Studio.