860-0004-00L  Bridging Science, Technology, and Policy

SemesterHerbstsemester 2019
DozierendeT. Bernauer
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarOnly for Science, Technology, and Policy MSc, MAS and PhD.

KurzbeschreibungThis course focuses on technological innovations from the beginning of humanity through the industrial revolution up until today. It provides students with a deeper understanding of the factors that drive technological innovations, and the roles government policies, society, science, and industry play in this regard.
LernzielThis course picks up on the ISTP Cornerstone Science, Technology and Policy course and goes into greater depth on issues covered in that course, as well as additional issues where science and technology are among the causes of societal challenges but can also help in finding solutions.
InhaltWeek 1: no class because of ISTP Cornerstone Science, Technology and Policy course
Week 2: technology & society in historical perspective - technological innovations up to the industrial revolution
Week 3: technology & society in historical perspective - technological innovations during the industrial revolution - engines & electricity
Week 4: technology & society in historical perspective - from the industrial revolution to modernity - mobility and transport (railroads, ships, cars, airplanes, space)
Week 5: food production: the green revolutions.
Week 6: microelectronics, computing & the internet
Week 7: life sciences: pharmaceuticals & diagnostic technology
Week 8: energy: primary fuels, renewables, networks
Week 9: automation: self-driving cars & trains, drones
Week 10: communication & Big Data: semiconductors and software
Week 11: military & security issues associated with technological innovation
Week 12: possible futures (1): nuclear fusion, geoengineering
Week 13: possible Future (2): information, communication, robotics, synthetic biology, nanotech, quantum computing
SkriptCourse materials will be given to the students prior to the start of each class