Die Leistungskontrolle wird nur in der Session nach der Lerneinheit angeboten. Die Repetition ist nur nach erneuter Belegung möglich.
mündlich 30 Minuten
Zusatzinformation zum Prüfungsmodus
The course includes three projects (typically worked on in pairs) spread throughout the course, which count towards the final grade. The graded projects are worth 40% in total, individually weighted at 14%, 13% and 13%, respectively. The projects are a compulsory performance assessment; in this case, they need not be passed on their own, but will count 40% in the same way in all cases towards the final grading. An oral examination (worth the remaining 60% of the final grade) will examine the full technical content covered in the course. The oral examination timetable includes 10 minutes spare for organisation/preparation between students - the actual discussion questions and answers will last for 20 minutes for each student.
Diese Angaben können noch zu Semesterbeginn aktualisiert werden; verbindlich sind die Angaben auf dem Prüfungsplan.