363-1104-00L  Advanced Studies in Entrepreneurship

SemesterFrühjahrssemester 2019
DozierendeB. Clarysse
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
LehrveranstaltungFindet dieses Semester nicht statt.
KommentarIn order to register for this course, students must either be current doctoral students in entrepreneurship or have successfully passed the two foundational courses "Entrepreneurship" (363-1077-00 L) and "Technology Entrepreneurship" (363-0790-00 L).

KurzbeschreibungThe course covers foundational papers and research streams related to entrepreneurship and targets masters and PhD students with a research interest in entrepreneurship, innovation and organization theory. For each session, the students are required to read the assigned five research papers and prepare for an in-depth discussion thereof. Active preparation and participation are a key requirement.
LernzielCourse participants will

- acquire knowledge about foundations and trends in entrepreneurship research
- learn how to read, analyze and discuss academic papers
- be able to identify new lines of research based on the discussed materials
- improve their own writing of research papers
InhaltSession topics:

- Founder & Entrepreneurial Identity
- Hybrid Organizations & (Social Entrepreneurship)
- Entrepreneurship Theory and the Individual-Opportunity Nexus
- Institutional Theory & Entrepreneurship
- Technology Market Linking & Search in Entrepreneurship
- International Entrepreneurship
- Bottom-up Innovation / Corporate Entrepreneurship
- Teams & Entrepreneurship
SkriptAll papers are accessible through the ETH Library or will be provided at the start of the course.
LiteraturSee Syllabus
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesIn order to register for this course, students must either be current doctoral students in entrepreneurship or have successfully passed the two foundational courses "Entrepreneurship" (363-1077-00 G) and "Technology Entrepreneurship" (363-0790-00 V).