363-1104-00L Advanced Studies in Entrepreneurship
Semester | Frühjahrssemester 2019 |
Dozierende | B. Clarysse |
Periodizität | jährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung |
Lehrveranstaltung | Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. |
Lehrsprache | Englisch |
Kommentar | In order to register for this course, students must either be current doctoral students in entrepreneurship or have successfully passed the two foundational courses "Entrepreneurship" (363-1077-00 L) and "Technology Entrepreneurship" (363-0790-00 L). |
Kurzbeschreibung | The course covers foundational papers and research streams related to entrepreneurship and targets masters and PhD students with a research interest in entrepreneurship, innovation and organization theory. For each session, the students are required to read the assigned five research papers and prepare for an in-depth discussion thereof. Active preparation and participation are a key requirement. |
Lernziel | Course participants will - acquire knowledge about foundations and trends in entrepreneurship research - learn how to read, analyze and discuss academic papers - be able to identify new lines of research based on the discussed materials - improve their own writing of research papers |
Inhalt | Session topics: - Founder & Entrepreneurial Identity - Hybrid Organizations & (Social Entrepreneurship) - Entrepreneurship Theory and the Individual-Opportunity Nexus - Institutional Theory & Entrepreneurship - Technology Market Linking & Search in Entrepreneurship - International Entrepreneurship - Bottom-up Innovation / Corporate Entrepreneurship - Teams & Entrepreneurship |
Skript | All papers are accessible through the ETH Library or will be provided at the start of the course. |
Literatur | See Syllabus |
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | In order to register for this course, students must either be current doctoral students in entrepreneurship or have successfully passed the two foundational courses "Entrepreneurship" (363-1077-00 G) and "Technology Entrepreneurship" (363-0790-00 V). |