Participants learn about the key roles of public and private actors in dealing with large-scale risks, and arrangements such as public private partnerships (PPP) in managing risk. Participants gain insights into how and to what extent firms and industries (need to) consider and manage environmental risks.
Participants learn about the key roles of public and private actors in dealing with large-scale risks, and arrangements such as public private partnerships (PPP) in managing risk. Participants gain insights into how and to what extent firms and industries (need to) consider and manage environmental risks. Participants will broaden their understanding of the issue of climate change, which will be used as the illustrative example both to set the theoretical frame as well as for the practical exercises, like analyzing company reporting according to the recommendations of the task force for climate-related financial disclosure (TCFD).
In the course module “Managing Large-Scale Risks Through Policy and Private Sector Measures”, participants learn about the key roles of public and private actors in dealing with large-scale risks. Participants gain insights into how and to what extent firms and industries (need to) consider and manage environmental risks. After a general introduction into both the topic and frameworks private actros are employing to deal with them, we will look into two real-world case studies - involving participants in some group work to simulate the elicitation of such a case in a negotiation setting between different stakeholders. The second day, Martin Weymann, Head Sustainability, Emerging & Political Risk Management, Director, Swiss Re, will join as a judge for the second negotiation round and share his views and experiences dealing with such cases on an almost daily basis. For the reminder of the second day, we will distill key insights from the cases negotiated and look into company reporting according to the recommendations of the task force for climate-related financial disclosure (TCFD).
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