701-1461-00L  Ecology and Evolution: Seminar

SemesterFrühjahrssemester 2019
DozierendeT. Städler, S. Bonhoeffer, T. Crowther, A. Hall, J. Jokela, G. Velicer, A. Widmer
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarFortsetzung von der Lerneinheit 701-1460-00L "Ecology and Evolution: Term Paper" im HS.


701-1461-00 SEcology and Evolution: Seminar Für Fachstudierende und Hörer/-innen ist eine Spezialbewilligung der Dozierenden notwendig.90s Std.n. V.T. Städler, S. Bonhoeffer, T. Crowther, A. Hall, J. Jokela, G. Velicer, A. Widmer


KurzbeschreibungThe organization and functioning of academic research as well as academic publishing are introduced and applied: students critically review two term papers written by their student colleagues. Based on the reviews, the authors of the papers write reply letters and revise their own term papers. They finally present their topic during an in-house "mini-conference" with a talk.
Lernziel• Students become familiar with the academic peer-review and publishing process
• They learn to evaluate the quality of a manuscript and formulate constructive criticism
• They learn to deal with criticism of their own work (by their student peers)
• They practise oral presentations and discussions in English
InhaltThe organization and functioning of academic research as well as academic publishing are introduced and applied: students critically review two term papers written by their student colleagues. Based on the reviews, the authors of the papers write reply letters and revise their own term papers. They finally present their topic during an in-house "mini-conference" with a talk.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesDirect continuation of "Ecology and Evolution: Term Paper" of the previous semester


Information zur Leistungskontrolle (gültig bis die Lerneinheit neu gelesen wird)
Leistungskontrolle als Semesterkurs
ECTS Kreditpunkte3 KP
PrüfendeA. Widmer, S. Bonhoeffer, T. Crowther, A. Hall, J. Jokela, T. Städler, G. Velicer
Formbenotete Semesterleistung
RepetitionRepetition nur nach erneuter Belegung der Lerneinheit möglich.


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Allgemein : Für Fachstudierende und Hörer/-innen ist eine Spezialbewilligung der Dozierenden notwendig

Angeboten in

Umweltnaturwissenschaften MasterTerm Paper und SeminarWInformation