151-0906-00L  Frontiers in Energy Research

SemesterFrühjahrssemester 2018
DozierendeD. Poulikakos, R. Boes, V. Hoffmann, G. Hug, M. Mazzotti, A. Patt, A. Schlüter
Periodizitätjedes Semester wiederkehrende Veranstaltung
KommentarThis course is only for doctoral students.

KurzbeschreibungDoctoral students at ETH Zurich working in the broad area of energy present their research to their colleagues, their advisors and the scientific community. Each week a different student gives a 50-60 min presentation of their research (a full introduction, background & findings) followed by discussion with the audience.
LernzielKnowledge of advanced research in the area of energy.
InhaltDoctoral students at ETH Zurich working in the broad area of energy present their research to their colleagues, to their advisors and to the scientific community. There will be one presentation a week during the semester, each structured as follows: 20 min introduction to the research topic, 30 min presentation of the results, 30 min discussion with the audience.
SkriptSlides will be available on the Energy Science Center pages(www.esc.ethz.ch/events/frontiers-in-energy-research.html).