252-0417-00L  Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Methods

SemesterHerbstsemester 2017
DozierendeA. Steger, E. Welzl
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung


252-0417-00 VRandomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Methods3 Std.
Di13:15-14:00CAB G 51 »
Do08:15-10:00CAB G 51 »
A. Steger, E. Welzl
252-0417-00 URandomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Methods2 Std.
Di16:15-18:00CAB G 51 »
A. Steger, E. Welzl
252-0417-00 ARandomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Methods
Project Work, no fixed presence required.
2 Std.A. Steger, E. Welzl


KurzbeschreibungLas Vegas & Monte Carlo algorithms; inequalities of Markov, Chebyshev, Chernoff; negative correlation; Markov chains: convergence, rapidly mixing; generating functions; Examples include: min cut, median, balls and bins, routing in hypercubes, 3SAT, card shuffling, random walks
LernzielAfter this course students will know fundamental techniques from probabilistic combinatorics for designing randomized algorithms and will be able to apply them to solve typical problems in these areas.
InhaltRandomized Algorithms are algorithms that "flip coins" to take certain decisions. This concept extends the classical model of deterministic algorithms and has become very popular and useful within the last twenty years. In many cases, randomized algorithms are faster, simpler or just more elegant than deterministic ones. In the course, we will discuss basic principles and techniques and derive from them a number of randomized methods for problems in different areas.
Literatur- Randomized Algorithms, Rajeev Motwani and Prabhakar Raghavan, Cambridge University Press (1995)
- Probability and Computing, Michael Mitzenmacher and Eli Upfal, Cambridge University Press (2005)


Information zur Leistungskontrolle (gültig bis die Lerneinheit neu gelesen wird)
Leistungskontrolle als Semesterkurs
ECTS Kreditpunkte8 KP
PrüfendeA. Steger, E. Welzl
RepetitionDie Leistungskontrolle wird nur am Semesterende nach der Lerneinheit angeboten. Die Repetition ist nur nach erneuter Belegung möglich.
Zusatzinformation zum PrüfungsmodusExercises 30% to the final grade: In week 4, 7 and 10 of the term (roughly) we will hand out a specially marked exercise, whose solution (typeset in LaTeX or similar) is due two weeks later. These solutions will be graded; the grades will each account for 10% of the final grade.

End of term: written exam (180 min) accounting for 70% of the grade; open book exam: you are allowed to consult any books, handouts, and personal notes. The use of electronic devices is not allowed.


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