063-0802-23L  History and Theory of Architecture: New Brutalism

SemesterFrühjahrssemester 2023
DozierendeM. Delbeke, L. Stalder
Periodizitätjährlich wiederkehrende Veranstaltung

063-0802-01 VHistory and Theory of Architecture: New Brutalism (Stalder)
Course languages: English and German.
No course on 24.3. (seminar week) and in the last two weeks of the semester (final critiques).
1 Std.
Fr10:45-11:30HIL E 3 »
L. Stalder
063-0802-23 VHistory and Theory of Architecture VIII: (Delbeke)
Course languages: English and German.
No course 24.3. (seminar week and in the last two weeks of the semester (final critiques (see room reservations!)
1 Std.
Fr09:45-10:30HIL E 3 »
M. Delbeke