Ursula Jaray Bergianti: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2021

NameMs Ursula Jaray Bergianti
Professur für Tragwerksentwurf
ETH Zürich, HIB E 11
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 1
8093 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 34 12

063-0417-01LArchitecture and Structure (HS) Information
This core course (ends with «01L») can only be passed once! Please check this before signing up.

ITA Pool - information event on the courses offered at the institute ITA: Wednesday 8th September 2021, 10-11 h, ONLINE.
ZoomLink: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/66588100789
3 credits3GJ. Schwartz, U. Jaray Bergianti
AbstractThe course is centered around a design exercise where the form should be the result of the flow of internal forces and the detailing concept combined with the quality of architectural space. The focus is on structural and load bearing issues with respect to realization implemented in an architectural design.
Learning objectiveUnderstanding of structural design as translation of structural concepts into building materials with respect to design concepts.
ContentThe course is centered around a design exercise where the form should be the result of the flow of internal forces and the detailing concept combined with the quality of architectural space. The focus is on structural and load bearing issues with respect to realization implemented in an architectural design.
Prerequisites / NoticeITA Pool - information event on the courses offered at the institute ITA: Wednesday 8th September 2021, 10-11 h, ONLINE.
ZoomLink: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/66588100789