Eva Prats Güerre: Courses in Spring Semester 2021

Name Prof. Eva Prats Güerre
Flores Prats Arqs SLP
Trafalgar12, 3-1
08010 Barcelona

052-0570-21LLecture Series Design and Architecture: One Building (Part 1) Information 2 credits1V
052-0570-21 VRingvorlesung Entwurf und Architektur: Ein Gebäude (Teil 1)
Die einzelnen Vorlesungen werden in Deutsch oder Englisch angeboten. Beginnt um 11:45 Uhr.

09.03.2021: Prof. A. Holtrop;
16.03.2021: Prof. Ch. Kerez;
13.04.2021: A Antonas, Gastdozent;
20.04.2021: Prof. A. Theriot;
27.04.2021: A. Deuber, Gastdozentin;
11.05.2021: E. Prats, Gastdozentin;
18.05.2021: R. Boltshauser, Gastdozent
1 hrs
Tue12:00-14:00ON LI NE »
E. Christ, A. Antonakakis, R. Boltshauser, A. Deuber, A. Holtrop, C. Kerez, E. Prats Güerre, A. Theriot
052-1138-21LArchitectural Design V-IX: Building Communities: Rehabilitation and Housing in Zurich (GD Prats) Information Restricted registration - show details
Please register (www.mystudies.ethz.ch) only after the internal enrolment for the design classes (see http://www.einschreibung.arch.ethz.ch/design.php).

Project grading at semester end is based on the list of enrolments on 2nd April 2021, 24:00 h. This is the ultimate deadline to unsubscribe or enroll for the studio!
14 credits16U
052-1138-21 UArchitectural Design V-IX: Building Communities: Rehabilitation and Housing in Zurich (GD Prats) Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
No course 23./24.3. (seminar week), on 6./7.4.(Easter Holiday) as well as on public holidays (s. room reservations).
16 hrs
Tue09:45-17:30HIL D 15 »
Wed08:00-17:30HIL D 15 »
E. Prats Güerre