Alexander Grahofer: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2020

Name Dr. Alexander Grahofer
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science

751-6001-00LForum: Livestock in the World Food System2 credits1SM. Kreuzer, S. M. Bernal Ulloa, S. Goumon, A. Grahofer, S. Neuenschwander
AbstractThis forum is a platform for the critical reflection of highly relevant topics of livestock in the frame of the world food system comprising issues from basic knowledge to acceptance in society. The exchange is operated by scientific writing and presentation.
Learning objectiveIn the Forum "Livestock in the World Food System", a topic of significance for livestock agriculture is selected by the students and subsequently dealt with from various angles (from scientific basis to production systems, environmental aspects and to the acceptance by society). The students learn to present a scientific subject in writing and orally to an audience and to defend the presentation in a discussion.
ContentThe Forum "Livestock in the World Food System" will take place in blocks of 2 hours each. Once the general topic has been selected, it comprises two elements:

Element 1. Oral Presentation: The students form small groups and are lecturers. There are chair persons (moderators) from outside of these small groups and they also head the discussion. The remaining students and lecturers are the audience.

Element 2. Scientific writing: Option 1: preparation of a short scientific type of paper from a result table offered by the lecturers; Option 2: preparation of an abstract with limited word count from a scientific paper; Option 3: writing of a critical review of a paper. The students have to select 2 of the three options each. There will be a discussion be a discussion in small groups at two dates.

Introductions to both forms of presentation will be offered by lecturers.
The preparation of the oral and written presentations takes place to a small part during the 2-h blocks and mainly outside of this time.
Lecture notesno scriptum
Prerequisites / NoticeRequirements for allocation of the two credit points:
- Theatre presentation (with handout) at the forum
- Delivery of written documents of sufficient quality
- Active participation during the presentations by the other participants
751-6101-00LAnatomy and Physiology of Man and Animals I2 credits2VS. E. Ulbrich, A. Grahofer, J. Müller
AbstractImparts a basic understanding of physiology an anatomy in man and domestic animals, focusing on the interrelations between morphology and function of the organism, in particular of domestic animals. This is fostered by discussing all subjects from a functional point of view. The lecture consists of two consecutive parts.
Learning objectiveThe ovaerall goal of this course is to enable students to understand basic functions of the vertebrate organism and to comprehend pathophysiological coherences.
Lecture notesUnterlagen werden individuell von den Dozierenden abgegeben.
LiteratureEmpfohlene Lehrbücher werden zu Beginn der Lehrverantstaltung bekannt gegeben.
Prerequisites / NoticeDiese Vorlesung is Teil der BSc Agrarwissenschaften (3. Semester)
751-6501-00LRuminant Science (HS)4 credits4GK. Giller, S. Goumon, A. Grahofer, U. Witschi
AbstractThe course provides the scientific basis of the central aspects of reproduction, husbandry and nutrition physiology of ruminants, and of the implications for animal welfare, product quality and breeding programs. Means of knowledge transfer include interdisciplinary approaches, disciplinary parts, web-based learning and self-study.
Learning objectiveAt the end of the course the students are able to apply, by a comprehensive understanding of the underlying mechanisms, their knowledge in various fields of ruminant science. They will be able to develop and recommend best strategies for breeding programs, feed formulation, improving forage quality, increasing animal health and welfare etc. They will be trained to carry out interdisciplinary and disciplinary research at the highest level. The course Ruminant Science (FS) offered in spring has a similar structure but is complementary to this course.
ContentFields (contact hours)
Introduction: 2 h
Special topics: 12 h
- Reproduction techniques: 4 h
- Fertility in cows: 4 h
- Calf health: 4 h
Disciplinary topics: 34 h
- Ruminant Husbandry: 14 h
- Ruminant Nutrition Physiology: 12 h
- Reproduction in Ruminants: 8 h
Lectures held by the students: 4 h

In summary
- Contact hours: 52 h
- Self-study within semester: 30 h (especially preparation for the interdisciplinary courses and the own lecture)
- Self-study in semester break: 38 h
Total: 120 h
Lecture notesDocumentations, links and other materials will be provided at the start of the course
LiteratureInformation on books and other references will be communicated during the course
Prerequisites / NoticeThe specialty of this course is that for the first time the animal science disciplines are unified. This is realised with a particular emphasis on interdisciplinary special topics and new forms of teaching. At the same time the essential basics in the central fields are communicated.

The field of Ruminant Science will also be a part of the spring semester (special topics: Organic Ruminant Systems, Tropical Ruminant Systems, Mastitis; disciplinary courses: Cattle, Sheep and Goat Breeding, Ruminant Diseases and Prophylaxis, Ruminant Nutrition and the Environment). However both courses are organized independently.

Conditions for successful participation: Background on animal science from the Bachelor is desired. In order to attend the Minor in Ruminant Science without any animal science background, a realistic self-assessment concerning the need for additional self-study is recommended (e.g. by choosing an appropriate bachelor course which then may be counted as 'optional courses' in the master). These efforts depend on the extent to which animal science courses have already been attended in the bachelor.

The control of performance will consist of:
- an own short lecture
- a final oral examination with focus on comprehension of the fundamental linkages rather than of specific details
751-6601-00LPig Science (HS)2 credits2VS. Goumon, A. Grahofer
AbstractThe overall goal of the course is to provide the essential scientific knowledge of pig animal health and behaviour and of the implications for husbandry and animal welfare.
Learning objectiveStudents will
- understand the complex interactions of health management, behaviour and husbandry.
- be trained to understand interdisciplinary and disciplinary research.
- be able to critically analyze published research data.
- be able to present precise scientific reports in oral and written form.

-Understanding natural behaviour of pigs to improve their management
-Welfare challenges in pig production
-On-farm and post-mortem health assessment
-Farrowing and lactation
-Pig reproduction and associated problems
-Piglet mortality and morbidity

There will be 1 excursion to the pig stable of AgroVet Strickhof.

The final grade will be based on a poster presentation (30%, mid-semester) and a final written exam (70%, end of semester)
Lecture notesHandouts/scripts are distributed by the the lecturers.
LiteratureSpecific literature is indicated by the lecturers.
Prerequisites / NoticeKnowledge in animal health, animal welfare and ethology is recommended but not required.

The lectures will be in English and German (depending on the lecturers)