Alper Baysan: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2020

Name Dr. Alper Baysan
DepartmentHumanities, Social and Political Sciences

857-0075-01LContemporary European Politics3 credits2SJ. Lipps, A. Baysan, M.‑E. Bélanger, N. Olszewska, D. Schraff, I. Vergioglou
AbstractHow have the powers of the European Union expanded until now and what are the problems facing the Union today? This class offers an introduction to theories of European integration. Furthermore, we discuss the challenges of supranational governance in the context of the EU, covering a wide array of policy fields.
Learning objectiveSince its start in the fifties, the European Union has evolved into a complex multilevel system, different from the nation state and different from other International Organizations. The course “Contemporary European Politics” introduces students to the institutions of the European Union and the gradual expansion of their competences. Throughout the course, we engage with current debates in EU studies on supranational decision-making in times of crisis. Upon completion, the participants are familiar with the legislative process regulating scientific and every-day life in such diverse policy fields as financial markets, climate policy and data privacy. Based on this knowledge, participants are able to identify chances and challenges of regulation beyond the nation state.
ContentThe sessions cover the following topics:
- EU Institutions
- Decision-making
- Parliamentary Democracy
- Judicial Politics
- European Identity and Public Spheres
- Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy
- Democratic Backsliding
- Political Conflict in the EU
- Implementation of EU law
- Eurozone
- Inequality
- Euroscepticism and Brexit
- The Future of Integration