Bastian Jörg Bergmann: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2019

Name Dr. Bastian Jörg Bergmann
ETH Zürich, HG F 42.1
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 61 63
DepartmentManagement, Technology, and Economics

363-1100-00LRisk Case Study Challenge Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants.

Please apply for this course via the official website ( Once your application is confirmed, registration in myStudies is possible.
3 credits2SB. J. Bergmann, A. Bommier, S. Feuerriegel
AbstractThis seminar provides master students at ETH with the challenging opportunity of working on a real risk modelling and risk management case in close collaboration with a Risk Center Partner Company. For the Spring 2019 Edition the Partner will be Zurich Insurance Group.
Learning objectiveStudents work on a real risk-related case of a business relevant topic provided by experts from Risk Center partners. While gaining substantial insights into the risk modeling and management of the industry, students explore the case or problem on their own, working in teams, and develop possible solutions. The cases allow students to use logical problem solving skills with emphasis on evidence and application and involve the integration of scientific knowledge. Typically, the risk-related cases can be complex, cover ambiguities, and may be addressed in more than one way. During the seminar students visit the partners’ headquarters, conduct interviews with members of the management team as well as internal and external experts, and present their results.
ContentGet a basic understanding of
o The insurance and reinsurance business
o Risk management and risk modelling
o The role of operational risk management

Get in contact with industry experts and conduct interviews on the topic.

Conduct a small empirical study and present findings to the company
Prerequisites / NoticePlease apply for this course via the official website ( Apply no later than February 15, 2019.
The number of participants is limited to 14.
363-1114-00LIntroduction to Risk Modelling and Management3 credits2VB. J. Bergmann
AbstractThis course provides in introduction to various aspects of dealing and managing risk across different industries, contexts and applications. Classes will alternate between invited industry speakers and risk professionals (CROs), lectures and scheduled group meetings.
Learning objectiveStudents get familiar with different approaches to modelling and dealing with different kind of risks in different industries and get to understand the relation to the decision-making process in business and the value chain of a company. Four phases will be explored: risk assessment and modelling, communication, management and the market for risk. After taking this course, students should be able to demonstrate that they can identify and formulate a risk analysis problem with quantitative methods in a particular field. Cases range from energy market risk, risk engineering, climate risk, financial market risk, operational risk, cyber risk and more. An additional emphasis will be on the data-driven approach to smart algorithms applied to risk modelling and management.