Andreas Borgschulte: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2020

Name Dr. Andreas Borgschulte
Empa Dübendorf
Überlandstrasse 120
8600 Dübendorf

327-0311-00LPractical Laboratory Course III Information Restricted registration - show details 3 credits6PM. B. Willeke, C. Battaglia, A. Borgschulte
AbstractTo impart basic knowledge and experimental competence using selected examples from chemistry and physics.
Learning objectiveTo impart basic knowledge and experimental competence using selected examples from chemistry and physics.
ContentChemistry III: Synthesis of PMMA via Transesterification; PET recycling or manufacture of poly(methylmethacrylat) via radical polymerization of methylmethacrylat; 3D-printing.
Physics I: Powder diffractometry, single crystal radiography, capillary rheometry, viscoelasticity of the polymer melt (or an equivalent exp.), 2 phyiscs experiments (out of 4) at the EMPA: e.g. X-ray flourescence analysis, impedance measurements of batteries, "power to gas" or texture measurement, building a Lithium ionic battery; and two further physic experiments at D-Phys (e.g. about "elastic constants" or "inference and diffraction" ).
Lecture notesNotes with information for each experiment (aim of the experiment, theory, experimental procedure, data analysis) can be downloaded from the web ( or
Prerequisites / NoticeVoraussetzungen: 1. Erfolgreiche Teilnahme sowohl am D-MATL Praktikum I als auch II. 2. Bestandene Chemie I/II Prüfung und/oder bestandene Basisprüfung. Über allfällige Ausnahmen entscheidet der Praktikumsverantwortliche auf Anfrage.
327-2136-00LChemical Analysis and Spectroscopy for Energy Applications2 credits2GA. Borgschulte
AbstractThis course provides an introduction to the chemical analysis and operando spectroscopy related to current scientific questions in energy research.
Learning objectiveObjectives are the general physical concepts of physical and chemical analysis and their application on the most important questions in energy applications. Questions tackled include:
- What is/determines selectivity / sensitivity of a technique?
- What is its spatial/temporal resolution?
- How to probe chemical reactions in action?
ContentFuture as well as existing energy supply relies on the precise determination of the amount of the energy carrier either produced or spent. The devices used for this purpose range from simple ampere meter and its scientific pendant impedance spectrometer for electricity, and the chemical analysis of fuels and their combustion products. With the advent of renewable energy and its chemical or electro-chemical storage, there is increasing demand for advanced analysis tools as well as operando spectroscopy. The objective of the course is to introduce the physical basis of most commonly used methods, i.e., separation techniques (GC, MS), spectroscopic methods (impedance spectroscopy, UV-Vis-, IR-, Raman- spectroscopy), and scattering techniques (X-ray/photoelectron spectroscopy, neutron scattering) with focus on operando techniques. The methods are discussed within the framework of current scientific questions in renewable energy research such as the analysis of reaction mechanisms in thermo- and electro-catalysis and the in-situ characterization of new energy materials with particular focus on surface phenomena and gas-solid interactions.
The course will build on the Bachelor’s degree courses Analytical Chemistry and Materials Characterization Methods.