Gabriela Hug: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2017

Name Prof. Dr. Gabriela Hug
FieldElectric Power Systems
Inst. f. El. Energieübertragung
ETH Zürich, ETL G 26
Physikstrasse 3
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 81 91
DepartmentInformation Technology and Electrical Engineering
RelationshipFull Professor

151-0906-00LFrontiers in Energy Research
This course is only for doctoral students.
2 credits2SD. Poulikakos, R. Boes, V. Hoffmann, G. Hug, M. Mazzotti, A. Patt, A. Schlüter
AbstractPhD students at ETH Zurich working in the broad area of energy present their research to their colleagues, to their advisors and to the scientific community.
Learning objectiveKnowledge of advanced research in the area of energy.
ContentPhD students at ETH Zurich working in the broad area of energy present their research to their colleagues, to their advisors and to the scientific community. Every week there are two presentations, each structured as follows: 15 min introduction to the research topic, 15 min presentation of the results, 15 min discussion with the audience.
Lecture notesSlides will be distributed.
227-0122-00LIntroduction to Electric Power Transmission: System & Technology6 credits4GC. Franck, G. Hug
AbstractIntroduction to theory and technology of electric power transmission systems.
Learning objectiveAt the end of this course, the student will be able to: describe the structure of electric power systems, name the most important components and describe what they are needed for, apply models for transformers and lines, explain the technology of overhead power lines, calculate stationary power flows, current and voltage transients and other basic parameters in simple power systems.
ContentStructure of electric power systems, transformer and power line models, analysis of and power flow calculation in basic systems, symmetrical and unsymmetrical three-phase systems, transient current and voltage processes, technology and principle of electric power systems.
Lecture notesLecture script in English, exercises and sample solutions, translation of important vocabulary: english-german.
227-0526-00LPower System Analysis Information 6 credits4GG. Hug
AbstractThe goal of this course is understanding the stationary and dynamic problems in electrical power systems. The course includes the development of stationary models of the electrical network, their mathematical representation and special characteristics and solution methods of large linear and non-linear systems of equations related to electrical power networks.
Learning objectiveThe goal of this course is understanding the stationary and dynamic problems in electrical power systems and the application of analysis tools in steady and dynamic states.
ContentThe course includes the development of stationary models of the electrical network, their mathematical representation and special characteristics and solution methods of large linear and non-linear systems of equations related to electrical power grids. Approaches such as the Newton-Raphson algorithm applied to power flow equations, superposition technique for short-circuit analysis, equal area criterion and nose curve analysis are discussed as well as power flow computation techniques for distribution grids.
Lecture notesLecture notes.
227-1631-00LEnergy System Analysis Information 4 credits3GG. Hug, S. Hellweg, F. Noembrini, A. Schlüter
AbstractThe course provides an introduction to the methods and tools for analysis of energy consumption, energy production and energy flows. Environmental aspects are included as well as economical considerations. Different sectors of the society are discussed, such as electric power, buildings, and transportation. Models for energy system analysis planning are introduced.
Learning objectiveThe purpose of the course is to give the participants an overview of the methods and tools used for energy systems analysis and how to use these in simple practical examples.
ContentThe course gives an introduction to methods and tools for analysis of energy consumption, energy production and energy flows. Both larger systems, e.g. countries, and smaller systems, e.g. industries, homes, vehicles, are studied. The tools and methods are applied to various problems during the exercises. Different conventions of energy statistics used are introduced.

The course provides also an introduction to energy systems models for developing scenarios of future energy consumption and production. Bottom-up and Top-Down approaches are addressed and their features and applications discussed.

The course contains the following parts:
Part I: Energy flows and energy statistics
Part II: Environmental impacts
Part III: Electric power systems
Part IV: Energy in buildings
Part V: Energy in transportation
Part VI: Energy systems models
Lecture notesHandouts
LiteratureExcerpts from various books, e.g. K. Blok: Introduction to Energy Analysis, Techne Press, Amsterdam 2006, ISBN 90-8594-016-8