Giacomo Scalari: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2021

Name Prof. Dr. Giacomo Scalari
Institut für Quantenelektronik
ETH Zürich, HPT F 6
Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1
8093 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 39 28
Fax+41 44 633 10 54
RelationshipAdjunct Professor

402-0466-15LQuantum Optics with Photonic Crystals, Plasmonics and Metamaterials6 credits2V + 1UG. Scalari
AbstractIn this lecture, we would like to review new developments in the emerging topic of quantum optics in very strongly confined structures, with an emphasis on sources and photon statistics as well as the coupling between optical and mechanical degrees of freedom.
Learning objectiveIntegration and miniaturisation have strongly characterised fundamental research and industrial applications in the last decades, both for photonics and electronics.
The objective of this lecture is to provide insight into the most recent solid-state implementations of strong light-matter interaction, from micro and nano cavities to nano lasers and quantum optics. The content of the lecture focuses on the achievement of extremely subwavelength radiation confinement in electronic and optical resonators. Such resonant structures are then functionalized by integrating active elements to achieve devices with extremely reduced dimensions and exceptional performances. Plasmonic lasers, Purcell emitters are discussed as well as ultrastrong light matter coupling and opto-mechanical systems.
Content1. Light confinement
1.1. Photonic crystals
1.1.1. Band structure
1.1.2. Slow light and cavities
1.2. Plasmonics
1.2.1. Light confinement in metallic structures
1.2.2. Metal optics and waveguides
1.2.3. Graphene plasmonics
1.3. Metamaterials
1.3.1. Electric and magnetic response at optical frequencies
1.3.2. Negative index, cloacking, left-handness

2. Light coupling in cavities
2.1. Strong coupling
2.1.1. Polariton formation
2.1.2. Strong and ultra-strong coupling
2.2. Strong coupling in microcavities
2.2.1. Planar cavities, polariton condensation
2.3. Polariton dots
2.3.1. Microcavities
2.3.2. Photonic crystals
2.3.3. Metamaterial-based

3. Photon generation and statistics
3.1. Purcell emitters
3.1.1. Single photon sources
3.1.2. THz emitters
3.2. Microlasers
3.2.1. Plasmonic lasers: where is the limit?
3.2.2. g(1) and g(2) of microlasers
3.3. Optomecanics
3.3.1. Micro ring cavities
3.3.2. Photonic crystals
3.3.3. Superconducting resonators
402-0470-17LOptical Frequency Combs: Physics and Applications
Does not take place this semester.
6 credits2V + 1UG. Scalari, J. Faist
AbstractIn this lecture, the goal is to review the physics behind mode-locking in these various devices, as well as discuss the most important novelties and applications of the newly developed sources.
Learning objectiveIn this lecture, the goal is to review the physics behind mode-locking in these various devices, as well as discuss the most important novelties and applications of the newly developed sources.
ContentSince their invention, the optical frequency combs have shown to be a key technological tool with applications in a variety of fields ranging from astronomy, metrology, spectroscopy and telecommunications. Concomitant with this expansion of the application domains, the range of technologies that have been used to generate optical frequency combs has recently widened to include, beyond the solid-state and fiber mode-locked lasers, optical parametric oscillators, microresonators and quantum cascade lasers.
In this lecture, the goal is to review the physics behind mode-locking in these various devices, as well as discuss the most important novelties and applications of the newly developed sources.

Chapt 1: Fundamentals of optical frequency comb generation
- Physics of mode-locking: time domain picture
Propagation and stability of a pulse, soliton formation
- Dispersion compensation
Solid-state and fiber mode-locked laser
Chapt 2: Direct generation
Microresonator combs: Lugiato-Lefever equation, solitons
Quantum cascade laser: Frequency domain picture of the mode-locking
Mid-infrared and terahertz QCL combs
Chapt 3: Non-linear optics
Chapt 4: Comb diagnostics and noise
Jitter, linewidth
Chapt 5: Self-referenced combs and their applications
Chapt 6: Dual combs and their applications to spectroscopy