Juerg Leuthold: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2019

Name Prof. Dr. Juerg Leuthold
FieldPhotonics and Communication
Professur Photonik u. Kommunikat.
ETH Zürich, ETZ K 81
Gloriastrasse 35
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 80 10
DepartmentInformation Technology and Electrical Engineering
RelationshipFull Professor

227-0301-00LOptical Communication Fundamentals6 credits2V + 1U + 1PJ. Leuthold
AbstractThe path of an analog signal in the transmitter to the digital world in a communication link and back to the analog world at the receiver is discussed. The lecture covers the fundamentals of all important optical and optoelectronic components in a fiber communication system. This includes the transmitter, the fiber channel and the receiver with the electronic digital signal processing elements.
Learning objectiveAn in-depth understanding on how information is transmitted from source to destination. Also the mathematical framework to describe the important elements will be passed on. Students attending the lecture will further get engaged in critical discussion on societal, economical and environmental aspects related to the on-going exponential growth in the field of communications.
Content* Chapter 1: Introduction: Analog/Digital conversion, The communication channel, Shannon channel capacity, Capacity requirements.

* Chapter 2: The Transmitter: Components of a transmitter, Lasers, The spectrum of a signal, Optical modulators, Modulation formats.

* Chapter 3: The Optical Fiber Channel: Geometrical optics, The wave equations in a fiber, Fiber modes, Fiber propagation, Fiber losses, Nonlinear effects in a fiber.

* Chapter 4: The Receiver: Photodiodes, Receiver noise, Detector schemes (direct detection, coherent detection), Bit-error ratios and error estimations.

* Chapter 5: Digital Signal Processing Techniques: Digital signal processing in a coherent receiver, Error detection teqchniques, Error correction coding.

* Chapter 6: Pulse Shaping and Multiplexing Techniques: WDM/FDM, TDM, OFDM, Nyquist Multiplexing, OCDMA.

* Chapter 7: Optical Amplifiers : Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers, Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers, Raman Amplifiers.
Lecture notesLecture notes are handed out.
LiteratureGovind P. Agrawal; "Fiber-Optic Communication Systems"; Wiley, 2010
Prerequisites / NoticeFundamentals of Electromagnetic Fields & Bachelor Lectures on Physics.
227-0655-00LNonlinear Optics6 credits2V + 2UJ. Leuthold
AbstractNonlinear Optics deals with the interaction of light with material, the response of material to light and the mathematical framework to describe the phenomena. As an example we will cover fundamental phenomena such as the refractive index, the electro-optic effect, second harmonic generation, four-wave mixing or soliton propagation and others.
Learning objectiveThe important nonlinear optical phenomena are understood and can be classified. The effects can be described mathematical by means of the susceptibility.
ContentChapter 1: The Wave Equations in Nonlinear Optics
Chapter 2: Nonlinear Effects - An Overview
Chapter 3: The Nonlinear Optical Susceptibility
Chapter 4: Second Harmonic Generation
Chapter 5: The Electro-Optic Effect and the Electro-Optic Modulator
Chapter 6: Acousto-Optic Effect
Chapter 7: Nonlinear Effects of Third Order
Chapter 8: Nonlinear Effects in Media with Gain
LiteratureLecture notes are distributed. For students enrolled in the course, additional information, lecture notes and exercises can be found on moodle (https://moodle-app2.let.ethz.ch/).
Prerequisites / NoticeFundamentals of Electromagnetic Fields (Maxwell Equations) & Bachelor Lectures on Physics
227-0955-00LSeminar in Electromagnetics, Photonics and Terahertz Information 3 credits2SJ. Leuthold
AbstractSelected topics of the current research activities at the IEF and closely related institutions are discussed.
Learning objectiveHave an overview on the research activities of the IEF institute.
227-1101-00LHow to Write Scientific Texts in Engineering Sciences
Strongly recommended prerequisite for Semester Projects and Master Theses at D-ITET (MSc BME, MSc EEIT, MSc EST).
0 creditsJ. Leuthold
AbstractThe 4 hour lecture covers the basics of writing & presenting a scientific text. The focus will be on the structure and elements of a scientific text and not on the language. Citation rules, good practice of scientific writing and an overview on software tools will be part of the training.
The lecture will be thought on two afternoons. Some exercises will be built into the lecture.
Learning objectiveKnowledge on structure and content of a scientific text. The course further is arranged to stimulate a discussion on how to properly write a legible scientific text versus writing an interesting novel. We will further discuss the practice of properly citing and critically reflect on recent plagiarism allegations.
Content* Topic 1: Structure of a Scientific Text (The Title, the author list, the abstract, State-of-the Art, the "in this paper" paragraph, the scientific part, the summary, Equations, Figures).

* Topic 2: Power Point Presentations.

* Topic 3: Citation Rules and Citation Software.

* Topic 4: Guidelines for Research Integrity.
LiteratureETH "Citation Etiquette", see www.plagiate.ethz.ch.

ETH Guidlines on "Guidelines for Research Integrity", see www.ee.ethz.ch > Education > > Contacts, links & documents > Forms and documents > Brochures / guides.
Prerequisites / NoticeStudents should already have a Bachelor degree and plan to do either a semester project or a master thesis in the immediate future.
401-5870-00LSeminar in Electromagnetics for CSE4 credits2SJ. Leuthold
AbstractVarious topics of electromagnetics, including electromagnetic theory, computational electromagnetics, electromagnetic wave propagation, applications from statics to optics. Traditional problems such as antennas, electromagnetic scattering, waveguides, resonators, etc. as well as modern topics such as photonic crystals, metamaterials, plasmonics, etc. are considered.
Learning objectiveKnowledge of the fundamentals of electromagnetic theory, development and application of numerical methods for solving Maxwell equations, analysis and optimal design of electromagnetic structures
851-0101-87LWorld Views in the Digital Age Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 36.
3 credits2SJ. Leuthold, C. aus der Au Heymann
AbstractWorld views guide our thoughts and our actions even though we may not be aware of it. By means of lectures, discussions and contributions of participants, we examine elements of world views regarding the underlying philosophical concepts and their relations to the sciences, philosophy and religion.
Learning objectiveStudents shall obtain a basis for their own exploration of world views, with a focus on new technological developments.
Prior knowledge of philosophical concepts and history is not required but are studied in the course.