Olivier Bachmann: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2021

Name Prof. Dr. Olivier Bachmann
FieldMagmatic Petrology
Inst. für Geochemie und Petrologie
ETH Zürich, NW E 83.3
Clausiusstrasse 25
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 78 16
DepartmentEarth and Planetary Sciences
RelationshipFull Professor

651-0254-00LSeminar Geochemistry and Petrology0 credits2SO. Bachmann, M. Schönbächler, C. Chelle-Michou, M. W. Schmidt, D. Vance
AbstractSeminar series with external and occasional internal speakers addressing current research topics. Changing programs announced via D-ERDW homepage (Veranstaltungskalender)
Learning objectivePresentations on isotope geochemistry, cosmochemistry, fluid processes, economic geology, petrology, mineralogy and experimental studies. Mostly international speakers provide students, department members and interested guests with insight into current research topics in these fields.
ContentWöchentliches Seminar mit Fachvorträgen eingeladener oder interner Wissenschafter, vornehmlich zu Themen der Geochemie, Isotogengeologie, Hydrothermalgeochemie, Lagerstättenbildung, Petrologie, Mineralogie und experimentelle Studien.
651-3001-00LDynamic Earth I6 credits4V + 2UO. Bachmann, A. Galli, A. Fichtner, M. Schönbächler, S. Willett
AbstractProvides a basic introduction into Earth Sciences, emphasizing different rock-types and the geological rock-cycle, as well as introduction into geophysics and plate tectonic theory.
Learning objectiveUnderstanding basic geological and geophysical processes
ContentOverview of the Earth as a system, with emphasis on plate tectonic theory and the geological rock-cycle. Provides a basic introduction to crystals and minerals and different rock-types. Lectures include processes in the Earth's interior, physics of the earth, planetology, introduction to magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Excercises are conducted in small groups to provide more in depth understanding of concepts and content of the lectures.
Lecture noteswerden abgegeben.
LiteratureGrotzinger, J., Jordan, T.H., Press, F., Siever, R., 2007, Understanding Earth, W.H. Freeman & Co., New York, 5th Ed.
Press, F. Siever, R., Grotzinger, J. & Jordon, T.H., 2008, Allgemeine Geologie. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 5.Auflage.
Prerequisites / NoticeExercises and short excursions in small groups (10-15 students) will be lead by student assistants. Specific topics in earth sciences will be discussed using examples and case studies. Hand samples of the major rock types will be described and interpreted. Short excursions in the region of Zurich will permit direct experience with earth science processes (e.g. earth surface processes) and recognition of earth science problems and solutions relevant for modern society (e.g. building materials, water resources). Working in small groups will allow for discussion and examination of actual earth science themes.
651-4049-00LConceptual and Quantitative Methods in Geochemistry
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the BSc-course "Geochemistry" (651-3400-00L).
3 credits2GO. Bachmann, G. De Souza, B. J. Peters
AbstractThis course will introduce some of the main quantitative methods available for the quantitative treatment of geochemical data, as well as the main modelling tools. Emphasis will both be on conceptual understanding of these methods as well as on their practical application, using key software packages to analyse real geochemical datasets.
Learning objectiveDevelopment of a basic knowledge and understanding of the main tools available for the quantitative analysis of geochemical data.
ContentThe following approaches will be discussed in detail: major and trace element modelling of magmas, with application to igneous systems; methods and statistics for calculation of isochrons and model ages; reservoir dynamics and one-dimensional modelling of ocean chemistry; modelling speciation in aqueous (hydrothermal, fresh water sea water) fluids.

We will discuss how these methods are applied in a range of Earth Science fields, from cosmochemistry, through mantle and crustal geochemistry, volcanology and igneous petrology, to chemical oceanography.

A special emphasis will be put on dealing with geochemical problems through modeling. Where relevant, software packages will be introduced and applied to real geochemical data.
Lecture notesSlides of lectures will be available.
Prerequisites / NoticePre-requisite: Geochemie I and II
651-4931-00LSeminar I: Heat and Mass Transfers in Magmatology
Does not take place this semester.
1 credit1SO. Bachmann, C. Chelle-Michou
AbstractHeat and mass transfers from the mantle to the crust control many aspects of the differentiation of our planet, including (1) primitive melt chemistry, (2) layering of the crust, (3) type of volcanic eruption, (4) formation of mineral deposits. This year, we will focus on processes in crystal mushes (formation, crystallization, remobilization, degassing).
Learning objectiveThis class will allow the students to learn about the modern methods and ideas on heat and mass transfers in magmatology through classic and recently published papers. Communication of scientific results to the scientific community and the public is critical. In the class, the students will read and analyse scientific papers and discuss them orally to the class. The students will also create a Wikipedia page and reformulate scientific results for the public.
ContentThe class will focus mostly on 1) reading literature on topics of interests, 2) oral and written presentations of the papers, 3) exercises illusrating the topic, to allow students to work by themselves on some well-defined problems.