Stefano Brusoni: Course units in Spring Semester 2022

Name Prof. Dr. Stefano Brusoni
FieldManagement of Technology and Innovation
Professur Technol.&Innovationsmgmt
ETH Zürich, WEV J 413
Weinbergstr. 56/58
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 04 52
DepartmentManagement, Technology, and Economics
RelationshipFull Professor

363-1065-00LDesign Thinking: Human-Centred Solutions to Real World Challenges Restricted registration - show details
Information and application:
5 credits5GA. Cabello Llamas, S. Brusoni, L. Cabello
364-1020-07LQualitative Methods for Management Studies Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
Number of participants limited to 15.
3 credits2GS. Brusoni
364-1058-00LRisk Center Seminar Series0 credits2SH. Schernberg, D. Basin, A. Bommier, D. N. Bresch, S. Brusoni, L.‑E. Cederman, P. Cheridito, F. Corman, H. Gersbach, C. Hölscher, K. Paterson, G. Sansavini, D. Sornette, B. Stojadinovic, B. Sudret, J. Teichmann, R. Wattenhofer, U. A. Weidmann, S. Wiemer, M. Zeilinger, R. Zenklusen
365-1053-00LInnovation, Creativity and Personality Traits Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
1 credit1SS. Brusoni
365-1071-00LCourse Abroad Restricted registration - show details
Exclusively for MAS MTEC students (fourth semester).

It is mandatory to attend the Preparation Session for the “Course Abroad” on 8 March 2022 at 18.30 in HG E 33.1.
3 credits2SB. J. Bergmann, S. Brusoni
365-1134-00LFrom Switzerland to Asia – Managing the Risks in a Global Economy Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
2 credits2SS. Brusoni