Rudolf Batliner: Courses in Spring Semester 2018

NameMr Rudolf Batliner
DepartmentHumanities, Social and Political Sciences

865-0000-01LPlanning and Monitoring of Projects Restricted registration - show details
Only for MAS
2 credits3G
865-0000-01 GPlanung und Monitoring von Projekten
Blockprogramm vom 12.2.-16.2.2018 im CLD
40s hrsR. Batliner, F. Brugger
865-0000-02LCapacity Development in International Cooperation: From Personal to Organisational Learning
Only for MAS/CAS in Development and Cooperation students, as well as specialists with at least 24 months of practical experience in international cooperation.
Doctoral students dealing with empirical research in the area of development and cooperation (EZA) may be admitted "sur Dossier".

Registration only through the NADEL administration office.
2 credits3G
865-0000-02 GCapacity Development in der IZA
Blockprogramm vom 4.4.-6.4.2018 und 4.5.2018 im CLD
40s hrsR. Batliner, L. B. Nilsen
865-0038-00LModeration Restricted registration - show details
Only for MAS in Development and Cooperation students.
2 credits3G
865-0038-00 GModeration
Blockprogramm vom 28.5.-1.6.2018 im CLD
40s hrsR. Batliner, L. B. Nilsen
865-0065-00LVET between Poverty Alleviation and Economic Development
Only for MAS/CAS in Development and Cooperation students, as well as specialists with at least 24 months of practical experience in international cooperation.
Doctoral students dealing with empirical research in the area of development and cooperation (EZA) may be admitted "sur Dossier".

Registration only through the NADEL administration office.
2 credits3G
865-0065-00 GVET between Poverty Alleviation and Economic Development
Blockprogramm vom 12.3.-16.3.2018 im CLD
40s hrsR. Batliner, F. Kehl, M. Maurer