Giovanni Colacicco: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2019

Name Dr. Giovanni Colacicco
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstr 190
Institute of Anatomy Y42 J64
8057 Zürich
Telephone044 635 53 59
DepartmentHealth Sciences and Technology

377-0311-00LClinical Anatomy Lab Restricted registration - show details
Only for Human Medicine BSc
5 credits7PJ. Loffing, O. Ullrich, I. Amrein, G. Colacicco, N. Lier, further lecturers
AbstractTopographical Anatomy and Radioanatomy of the head, skull, central nervous system, neck and neck organs, upper and lower extremities, thoracic wall and organs, abdominal wall and organs, pelvis and pelvic organs, dorsal muscles, vessels, nerves, functions, clinical aspects. Methods: Anatomical dissection of human bodies.
Learning objectiveLearning and understnding of the detailed composition and function of the healty human body and ist components. Learning of selected examples of relevant radiographic anatomy and their implication in clinical medical work.
ContentTopographic – and radiographic anatomy of selected anatomical regions. Students dissect these regions and discuss important clinical content with aid of assistents.