Andreas Hund: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2020

Name PD Dr. Andreas Hund
Name variantsAndreas Hund
FieldCrop Science
Professur für Kulturpflanzenwiss.
ETH Zürich, FMG C 25
Eschikon 33
8315 Lindau
Telephone+41 44 632 38 29
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science

751-3500-00LPlant Breeding2 credits2VA. Hund, R. Kölliker
AbstractThe course «Pflanzenzüchtung» builds on the knowledge acquired in the course “Agrargenetik”. It conveys the basics of the most important breeding aims, the legal framework for plant breeding, sources of genetic variation, as well as variety types and breeding methods. Besides the classic methods, modern approaches like precision phenotyping, genomic selection and genome editing will be introduced.
Learning objectiveDas Hauptziel der Vorlesung ist, Sie mit den Grundlagen der Pflanzenzüchtung vertraut zu machen und Ihnen das nötige Wissen zu vermitteln, um die meist kontrovers diskutierte Themen rund um die moderne Pflanzenzüchtung besser einschätzen und diskutieren zu können. Dabei ist es besonders wichtig, dass Sie sowohl die Geschichte der Pflanzenzüchtung als auch die Rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen und die biologisch-technischen Grundlagen kennen.
Im Kurs werden dazu folgende Lernziele vermittelt:
- Sie kennen die wichtigsten Meilensteine in der Geschichte der Pflanzenzüchtung.
- Sie kennen die wichtigsten Zuchtziele und können die Erfolge der Pflanzenzüchtung anhand von Beispielen benennen.
- Sie kennen die gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen welche die Pflanzenzüchtung in der Schweiz und Europa regeln.
- Sie kennend die Bedeutung der genetischen Ressource für die Pflanzenzüchtung.
- Sie können die Züchterformel und können den erwarteten Züchtungserfolg basierend auf der Erblichkeit eines Merkmals abschätzen.
- Sie kennen wichtigsten Fortpflanzungssysteme der Pflanzen und die dazu gehörenden Züchtungsstrategien.
- Sie können die verschiedenen Zuchtstrategien bezüglich ihrer Effizienz und Eignung für spezifische Zuchtziele beurteilen.
- Sie können die Methoden der Gentechnologie und des Genome Editing erklären und mit herkömmlichen Methoden vergleichen.
- Sie wissen wie die markerunterstützte Züchtung und die genomische Selektion im Züchtungsablauf integriert sind.
- Sie kennen die jüngsten Entwicklungen um die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen der Gentechnologie bzw. des Genom Editing und können ihre Auswirkung diskutieren.
LiteratureWe recommend "Heiko Becker (2011), Pflanzenzüchtung, ISBN
978-3-8252-3558-1", as companion of this course.
751-3606-00LMolecular Plant Breeding3 credits2GB. Studer, C. Grieder, A. Hund, R. Kölliker
AbstractMolecular tools have significantly contributed to improve the process of plant breeding throughout the last decades. The course Molecular Plant Breeding illustrates - on the basis of lectures, exercises and practical examples - the most important molecular breeding tools (QTL, association studies..) and how these tools are applied to plant breeding by means of marker-assisted or genomic selection.
Learning objectiveAt the end of the course Molecular Plant Breeding you will be able to:
- understand different molecular marker technologies and genotyping methods, and how the generated data can be used for genetic distance measures and multivariate statistics in experimental and natural populations
- use the most important molecular breeding tools such as genetic linkage mapping, QTL analysis, genome-wide association studies and to apply these tools to plant breeding by marker-assisted and genomic selection
- describe different sequencing technologies and strategies for genome sequencing, transcriptome profiling (RNAseq) and genotyping by sequencing
- apply basic bioinformatics tools for sequence data management and comparative genomics (BLAST, simple assemblies, alignments and gene annotations)
ContentThe course Molecular Plant Breeding is based on complementing lectures, exercises and practical examples. The examples cover a wide range of species and traits and will be taught by four different experts in the field. A detailed program including dates and specific contents will be provided through Moodle.
Lecture notesScripts and slides for each lecture and will be made available through Moodle.
LiteratureFor each lecture, additional literature covering the topic will be provided.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe course will be held at ETH Zentrum (LFW building), where computers will be available for exercises with R or - if necessary - other specific software packages. Attendance of the courses Pflanzenzüchtung and Plant Breeding is recommended; basic understanding of R (as taught in Experimental Design and Applied Statistics in Agroecosystem Science) is advantageous.
751-4106-00LCrop Phenotyping4 credits4GA. Hund, H. Aasen, J. Leipner, F. Liebisch, A. Walter
AbstractPhenotyping is mostly understood as a non-invasive, quantitative assessment of plant and organ morphology at different wavelengths. In this course, standard and customized phenotyping platforms and approaches are introduced and applied to characterize crop performance in the field and in the lab. The relevance of phenotyping for breeding, field management and precision agriculture is shown.
Learning objectiveAt the end of the course you will know a range of different phenotyping methods and how to assess their utility for different issues. You also know the critical stages of individual crops and you can identify promising traits and phenotyping approaches that are appropriate to improve a crop or its management in the field.
ContentBasic knowledge in physiology, breeding and management of our major crops will be combined with concepts of inheritance, experimental design, crop modelling and abiotic stress. By lectures, discussions, and hands-on experiments, you will learn to use image-based phenotyping methods for a performance assessment of genotypes of a breeding population and to assess the efficiency of measures of field management.
Crops are exposed to different abiotic stress factors during their development. Adaptation of crops to extreme environmental conditions likely to be encountered in the course of the year (e.g. cold and heat stress; water-saturated or dry soils) has been achieved by plant breeding to a good extent. In many cases, however, there is enormous potential for optimization.
The most important mechanisms of plant adjustment towards stress will be explained, as well as critical stages identified in which stress affects yield most severely. You will learn methods by which the response of plants to environmental parameters is quantified non-destructively. You learn how to deal with the challenge of spatial variability in the field, when it is necessary to analyze a lot of genotypes. You will get to know different phenotyping methods in the field and under controlled conditions. An important parameter of analysis will be the measurement of the growth of roots and shoots and the response of this parameter to environmental stress. Moreover, you will apply thermography and multispectral image analysis as exemplary remote sensing methods and you will use these methods to calculate parameters such as canopy cover, water status and leaf greenness of individual plants or crop stands. Also, you will learn the use of chlorophyll fluorescence to assess the efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus.