Maria Giuditta Fellin: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

Name Dr. Maria Giuditta Fellin
Inst. für Geochemie und Petrologie
ETH Zürich, NW D 76.1
Clausiusstrasse 25
8092 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 632 89 07
Fax+41 44 632 11 79
DepartmentEarth and Planetary Sciences

651-4113-00LSedimentary Petrography and Microscopy2 credits2GV. Picotti, M. G. Fellin
AbstractMicroscopy of carbonate (1st half of semester) and sliciclastic rocks (2nd half) rocks as well as siliceous, phosphatic and evaporitic sediements.
Learning objectiveDescription of grains and cement/matrix, texture, classification of the main sedimentary rocks. Discussion and interpretation of the environment of sedimentation. Diagenetic Processes.
ContentMicroscopy of carbonate and siliciclastic rocks, siliceous and phosphatic rocks, their origin and classification. Diagenesis.
Lecture notesEnglish textbooks recommended
LiteratureTucker, M.E. (2001): Sedimentary Petrology-An introduction to the Origin of Sedimentary Rocks, 3rd Editition. Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, 262 p.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe earlier attendance of other MSc microscopy courses (e.g. magmatic and metamorphic rocks) is not required if during the BSc a general course on microscopy of rocks was completed.
651-4117-00LSediment Analysis
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the MSc-course "Sedimentology I" (651-4041-00L).
3 credits2GM. G. Fellin, A. Gilli, V. Picotti
AbstractTheoretical background and application of some basic methods for sediment analysis.
Learning objectiveThe main goal is to learn how to apply the analysis of the texture and grain-size of sediments to constrain the sedimentary processes and environments.
ContentA one-day fieldtrip to a local outcrop to learn how to describe sediments in the field and to collect samples for grain-size and compositional analysis. Application of the same analytical techniques on samples of unknown origin: the sampling sites will be revealed at the end of the course. Discussion of the theoretical background and of the results in class. At the end of the course, the student will have to hand in a report with the presentation and discussion of all the data produced during the course.
Lecture notesFor the various analytical methods English texts will be provided in class.
LiteratureIntroduction to clastic sedimentology. R.J. Cheel, Brock University
651-4229-00LAdvanced Geochronology3 credits2GM. Guillong, H. Busemann, M. G. Fellin, A. Liati, A. Quadt Wykradt-Hüchtenbruck, J.‑F. Wotzlaw
AbstractThis lecture gives an overview on geochronology. Several in their field specialized lecturers cover the principles and methods and will give insight into recent applications and research projects.
Learning objectiveThe purpose of this lecture is to provide a comprehensive overview of: a) the different radiometric methods in Geology, the different dating tasks and the constraints put by the complexity of natural systems, including dating by cosmogenic nuclides,
b) the various analytical tools available today for radiometric dating, their advantages and disadvantages,
c) the use of noble gases in Geochemistry and
d) detailed description of case studies, as examples of approach of a number of geological problems and interpretation of the data.

At the end students know the different isotope systems, methods and their application. Understand literature and critical reading and interpretation of published data is possible. For simple geochronological questions they can describe a scientific approach and possible solution.
Content1. Introduction, History of Geochronology, Overview of isotopic systems, dating methods.
2. U-Th-Pb system, focus on ion microprobe; zircon in radiometric dating
3. Zircon dating of HP/HT metamorphic rocks; data interpretation; case studies
4. Fission-track dating
5. (U-Th)/He dating
6. Laser ablation ICP-MS instrumentation and methods for dating.
7. Application of LA-ICP MS to Geochronology examples from recent research projects.
8. K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology , Principles and applications
9. High-precision ID-TIMS U-Pb geochronology, Principles and applications
10. Examples from recent research projects
11. Examples from recent research projectsSm,
12. Noble gases - basics, reservoirs, geo/cosmochem. applications: mainly chronology
13. Cosmogenic nuclides (stable and radionuclides) - basics, geo/cosmochem. applications, C14
Lecture notesScript (for part of the lecture), partly power point presentations (in the web)

Geochronology and Thermochronology
Author(s):Peter W. ReinersRichard W. CarlsonPaul R. RenneKari M. CooperDarryl E. GrangerNoah M. McLeanBlair Schoene
First published:8 January 2018
Online ISBN:9781118455876 |DOI:10.1002/9781118455876

- Faure, G. and Mensing, T. (2005): Isotopes. Principles and applications. 3rd ed. John Wiley and Sons.
- Dickin, A. (2005): Radiogenic Isotope Geology. 2nd ed. Cambridge University press.