Markus Stoffel: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2020

Name Prof. Dr. Markus Stoffel
FieldMetabolic Diseases
Inst. f. Molecular Health Sciences
ETH Zürich, HPL H 36
Otto-Stern-Weg 7
8093 Zürich
Telephone+41 44 633 45 60
Fax+41 44 633 13 62
RelationshipFull Professor

377-0301-03LEndocrinology, Metabolism Restricted registration - show details
Only for Human Medicine BSc
5 credits5VM. Stoffel, F. Beuschlein, A. Hall, C. Wolfrum
AbstractDiscussion of normal structure and function of the endocrine systems, their interaction with the autonomic nervous system and their role in metabolism. In addition, pathophysiological and clinical aspects, diagnostics and therapeutic concepts of the most important endocrine diseases and related metabolic disorders as well as respective preventive measures are adressed.
Learning objectiveUpon successful completion of this module, students should:

- be able to explain the systematics of the endocrine system;
- know the structure and function of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal gland, endocrine pancreas, thyroid gland, ovaries, testes;
- know the principles and regulation of bone, calcium and phosphate metabolism, energy balance, glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism, blood pressure;
- know the hormonally regulated metabolic processes (carbohydrates, protein and fat);
- know the most important endocrine diseases and tumors, their development, clinic, diagnostics and therapy;
- know the most important measures for the prevention of metabolic diseases and the underlying mechanisms.
ContentIn this module, students learn about anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the endocrine glands, as well as the clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive aspects of the most important endocrine diseases. This includes:

- Systematics of the endocrine system: structure and anatomical location of the various endocrine glands.

- Neuronal innervation and vascular supply area of the endocrine glands.

- Hormone classes: Protein and polypeptide hormones, amino and amino acid derivatives steroid hormones, biosynthesis of protein and polypeptide hormones, biosynthesis of amino and amino acid derivatives, biosynthesis of steroid hormones, storage of hormones, secretion of hormones, transport of hormones, half-lives, degradation and excretion of hormones.

- Transmission of information by hormones: hormone action at receptors, structure and function of membrane-associated hormone receptors, structure and function of nuclear receptors, regulation of hormone secretion.

- Structure and function of the hypothalamus, structure and function of the pituitary gland.

- Structure and function of the thyroid gland, under- and over-functioning of the thyroid gland, principles of diagnostics and therapy of thyroid diseases. Symptoms, medical history and clinical examination of thyroid diseases,

- Bones, calcium and phosphate metabolism.

- Regulation of glucose, lipid and protein metabolism, eating disorders, etiology, diagnostics, therapy and prevention of adipositas.

- Structure and function of endocrine pancreas, pathogenesis of different types of diabetes mellitus. Principles of diagnostics and therapy and prevention of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, risk factors and complications. Symptoms, medical history and clinical examination in diabetes mellitus,

- Structure and function of the adrenal gland, pathogenesis, principles of diagnostics and therapy of diseases with hyper- and hypofunction of the adrenal gland. Symptoms, anamnesis and clinical examination in case of hyper- and hypofunction of the adrenal gland.

- Structure and function of the ovaries and testis, principles of reproductive physiology.
Lecture notesThere is no traditional script for this course. Instead the course is supported by a Moodle page through which students have access to all necessary texts, exercises, videos and activities.
LiteratureThe essential course material will be available on the course's Moodle Page in the form of scripts and lesson handouts.
The course does not have an "official" textbook, but students may find a general reference book on the topic interesting. For this purpose the text "Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel” von Stefan Fischli und Giatgen A. Spinas (Herausgeber), Thieme Verlag, may be helpful.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe course builds on the content of the "Chemie für Mediziner", "Biochemie", “Pathobiochemie”, "Pharmakologie für Mediziner" and "Molekulare Genetik und Zellbiologie" course and “Nutrition and Digestion”.
551-0016-AALBiology II
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.
2 credits4RM. Stoffel, E. Hafen
AbstractThe lecture course Biology II is a basic introductory course into biology for students who need to pass this course for admission to their MSc curriculum.
Learning objectiveThe objective of the lecture course Biology II is the understanding of form, function, and development of animals and of the basic underlying mechanisms.
ContentThe following numbers of chapters refer to the text-book "Biology" (Campbell & Reece, 7th edition, 2005) on which the course is based. Chapters 1-4 are a basic prerequisite. The sections "Structure of the Cell" (Chapters 5-10, 12, 17) and "General Genetics" (Chapters 13-16, 18, 46) are covered by the lecture Biology I.

1. Genomes, DNA Technology, Genetic Basis of Development

Chapter 19: Eukaryotic Genomes: Organization, Regulation, and Evolution
Chapter 20: DNA Technology and Genomics
Chapter 21: The Genetic Basis of Development

2. Form, Function, and Development of Animals I

Chapter 40: Basic Principles of Animal Form and Function
Chapter 41: Animal Nutrition
Chapter 44: Osmoregulation and Excretion
Chapter 47: Animal Development

3. Form, Function, and Develeopment of Animals II

Chapter 42: Circulation and Gas Exchange
Chapter 43: The Immune System
Chapter 45: Hormones and the Endocrine System
Chapter 48: Nervous Systems
Chapter 49: Sensory and Motor Mechanisms
LiteratureThe following text-book is the basis for the courses Biology I and II:

„Biology“, Campbell and Reece, 7th Edition, 2005, Pearson/Benjamin Cummings, ISBN 0-8053-7166-4
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisite: Lecture course Biology I of winter semester
551-1409-00LRNA Biology Lecture Series II: Non-coding RNAs: Biology and Therapeutics
Does not take place this semester.
4 credits2VJ. Hall, M. Stoffel, further lecturers
AbstractThis course covers aspects of RNA biology related to the functions of non-coding RNAs as well as their use as drugs to treat diseases.
Learning objectiveThe students should get familiar with the wide array of roles, which non-coding RNAs play in cellular functions.
ContentMicro RNAs; computational approaches to miRNAs; micro RNA function in metabolism; viruses and viral RNAs; nucleic acid-based drugs; ncRNA-mediated genome regulation; epigenetic programming of genome remodelling in ciliates; telomerase and telomeres; tRNA biology.
Prerequisites / NoticeBasic knowledge of cell and molecular biology.
551-1423-00LCurrent Topics in Metabolism and Disease Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 8.
2 credits1SM. Stoffel, E. Araldi, I. Guccini
AbstractThe course is a literature seminar or "journal club". Each Friday a student, or a member of the Stoffel Lab in the Institute of Molecular Health Sciences, will present a comprehensive presentation of a recent paper published in a top ranking international peer reviewed journal that relates to metabolism and disease.
Learning objectiveThe course introduces the students to recent developments in the fields of metabolism and disease. It also supports the development of analytical skills, including critical reading of scientific literature, being able to present and critically discuss scientific experiments, point out technical limitations, and placing recent discoveries in the broader context of biology, physiology and medicine. The student should be able to grasp what the authors wanted to learn i.e. their hypothesis and their goals, why the authors chose the experimental approach and methods used, the strengths and weaknesses of the experiments, the quality of the data presented, the conclusions drawn, and how the work fits into the wider literature in the field. Furthermore, the student should discuss alternative approaches and future experiments. Each student will present one paper during the course, which provides him/her with practice in public speaking.
ContentEach student will present at least once during the semester. The presentation includes an introduction to the field of the paper, a critical description of the main results, a summary of the main points and a discussion of their significance.
Every participant is expected to take part in the discussion and to ask questions. At each meeting, all students are expected to read and prepare the paper beforehand. Each paper presented will be announced one week in advance of the presentation.
Lecture notesPresentations will be made available after the seminars.
LiteratureStudents will be guided to choose their papers base on recent literature published less than 1 year prior in a relevant journal.
551-1515-00LInsulin Signaling Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 15.
The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.

General safety regulations for all block courses:
-Whenever possible the distance rules have to be respected
-All students have to wear masks throughout the course (keep reserve masks ready)
-The installation and activation of the Swiss Covid-App is highly encouraged
-Any additional rules for individual courses have to be respected
-Students showing any COVID-19 symptoms are not allowed to enter ETH buildings and have to inform the course responsible
6 credits7PM. Stoffel
AbstractIntroduction to the physiological and biochemical action of insulin signaling and its role in the fasted/feeding response and in obesity and diabetes.
Learning objectiveThe students will obtain an overview about the current topics of research in insulin signaling and how it impacts on growth, metabolism and cell differentiation. They will learn to design experiments and use techniques necessary to analyze different aspects of insulin signaling,including physiological actions in whole animals as well as in tissue culture. Through lectures and literature seminars, they will learn about the open questions of insulin signaling research and discuss approaches to address these questions experimentally.

In practical lab projects the students will perform physiological in vivo studies as well as biochemical experiments. Finally, they will learn how to present and discuss their data. Student assessment is a graded semester performance based on individual performance in the laboratory, a written exam and the lab data presentation.