Werner Eugster: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2019

Name Prof. Dr. Werner Eugster
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science
RelationshipAdjunct Professor

751-0441-00LScientific Analysis and Presentation of Data2 credits2GW. Eugster
AbstractStudents will get an introduction to the scientific work with data covering all steps from data import from Excel via statistical analyses to producing correct scientific graphical output. Exercises with the software R/RStudio will provide hands-on opportunities to get acquainted with data analysis and presentation in adequate graphs. Field data gathered with Prof. E. Frossard will be used.
Learning objectiveThis lecture with exercises gives an introduction to the scientific work with data, starting with data acquisition and ending with statistical analyses as they are often required for a bachelor thesis (descriptive statistics, linear regression, simple analyses of variance etc.). Using open-source R/RStudio software will be the primary focus via a hands-on approach. An imporant aspect will be to learn which graphical representation of data are best suited for the task (how can data be presented clearly and still scientifically correct?)
ContentTentative Programme:
- Introduction
- Introduction to 'R'
- Data import and graphical presentation
- Preparation of own data from field course with Prof. E. Frossard / from 4th semester
- Correct and problematic graphical data displays
- Statistical distribution and confidence intervals
- Statistical tests - Repetition and hands-on applications
- Correlation analysis
- Linear regressions
- Analysis of Variance
- Discussion of ANOVA results with Prof. E. Frossard

Last week of semester: examination (Leistungskontrolle)
Lecture notesMainly German (with some English passages from text books)
Prerequisites / NoticeTheoretical background in ensemble statistics from the mandatory course in the 4th semester; students should have cleared the examination of that fundamental course to be able to follow
751-3801-00LExperimental Design and Applied Statistics in Agroecosystem Science3 credits2GA. Hund, W. Eugster, C. Grieder, R. Kölliker
AbstractDifferent experimental designs will be discussed and various statistical tools will be applied to research questions in agroecosystem sciences. Statistical methods range from simple analysis of variance to mixed-models and multivariate statistics. Surveys and manipulative field and laboratory experiments are addressed and students learn to analyse data using a hands-on approach.
Learning objectiveStudents will know various statistical analyses and their application to science problems in their study area as well as a wide range of experimental design options used in environmental and agricultural sciences. They will practice to use statistical software packages (R), understand pros and cons of various designs and statistics, and be able to statistically evaluate their own results as well as those of published studies.
ContentThe course program uses a learning-by-doing approach ("hands-on minds-on"). New topics are introduced in the lecture hall, but most of the work is done in the computer lab to allow for the different speeds of progress of the student while working with data and analyzing results. In addition to contact hours exercises must be finalized and handed in for grading. The credit points will be given based on successful assessments of selected exercises.

The tentative schedule containst the following topics:

Introduction To Experimental Design and Applied Statistics
Introduction to 'R' / Revival of 'R' Skills
Designs of Field and Growth Chamber Experiments
Nonlinear Regression Fits
Multivariate Techniques: Principle Component Analysis, Canonical Correpondence Analysis (CCA), Cluster Analysis
ANOVA using linear and mixed effect models
Error Analysis, Error Propagation and Error Estimation
Introduction to autoregression and autocorrelations in temporal and spatial data and how to consider them in ANOVA-type analysis

This course does not provide the mathematical background that students are expected to bring along when signing up to this course. Alternatively, students can consider some aspects of this course as a first exposure to solutions in experimental design and applied statistics and then deepen their understanding in follow-up statistical courses.
Lecture notesHandouts will be available (in English)
LiteratureA selection of suggested additional literature, especially for German speaking students will be presented in the introductory lecture.
Prerequisites / NoticeThis course is based on the course Mathematik IV: Statistik, passed in the 2nd year and the Bachelor's course "Wissenschaftliche Datenauswertung und Datenpräsentation" (751-0441-00L)
751-5101-00LBiogeochemistry and Sustainable Management Information 2 credits2GN. Buchmann, W. Eugster, V. Klaus
AbstractThis course focuses on the interactions between ecology, biogeochemistry and management of agro- and forest ecosystems, thus, coupled human-environmental systems. Students learn how human impacts on ecosystems via management or global change are mainly driven by effects on biogeochemical cycles and thus ecosystem functioning, but also about feedback mechanisms of terrestrial ecosystems.
Learning objectiveStudents will know and understand the complex and interacting processes of ecology, biogeochemistry and management of agro- and forest ecosystems, be able to analyze and evaluate the various impacts of different management practices under different environmental conditions, based on real-life data, and be able to coordinate and work successfully in small (interdisciplinary) teams.
ContentAgroecosystems and forest ecosystems play a major role in all landscapes, either for production purposes, ecological areas or for recreation. The human impact of any management on the environment is mainly driven by effects on biogeochemical cycles. Effects of global change impacts will also act via biogeochemistry at the soil-biosphere-atmosphere-interface. Thus, ecosystem functioning, i.e., the interactions between ecology, biogeochemistry and management of terrestrial systems, is the science topic for this course.

Students will gain profound knowledge about nutrient cycles in managed and unmanaged grassland, cropland and forest ecosystems. Responses of agro- and forest ecosystems to the environment, e.g., to climate, anthropogenic deposition, major disturbances, soil nutrients or competition of plants and microorganisms, but also feedback mechanisms of ecosystems on (micro)climate, soils or vegetation patterns will be studied. Different management practices will be investigated and assessed in terms of production and quality of yield (ecosystem goods and services), but also in regard to their effect on the environment, e.g., greenhouse gas budgets. Thus, students will learn about the complex interactions of a coupled human-environmental system.

Students will work with real-life data from the long-term measurement network Swiss FluxNet. Data from the intensively managed grassland site Chamau will be used to investigate the biosphere-atmosphere exchange of CO2, H2O, N2O and CH4. Greenhouse gas budgets will be calculated for different time periods and in relation to management over the course of a year. In a final report, students will compare their findings to the forest site Davos.
Lecture notesHandouts will be available on the webpage of the course.
LiteratureWill be discussed in class.
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisites: Attendance of introductory courses in plant ecophysiology, ecology, and grassland or forest sciences. Knowledge of data analyses and statistics. Course will be taught in English.