Bernhard Krummenacher: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2017

Name Dr. Bernhard Krummenacher
Geotest AG
Birkenstrasse 15
3052 Zollikofen
Telephone031 910 01 90
Fax031 910 01 00
DepartmentEnvironmental Systems Science

701-0565-00LFundamentals of Natural Hazards Management3 credits3GH. R. Heinimann, B. Krummenacher, S. Löw
AbstractRisks to life and human assets result when settlement areas and infrastructure overlap regions where natural hazard processes occur. This course utilizes case studies to teach how a future natural hazards-specialist should analyze, assess and manage risks.
Learning objectiveConcepts will be explained step-by-step through a set of case studies, and applied in lab by the students. The following principal steps are used when coping with natural hazard-risks. At each step, students will learn and apply the following skills:
Risk analysis - What can happen?
-Characterize the processes and environmental measures that lead to a natural hazard and integrate modeling results of these processes.
- Identify threats to human life and assets exposed to natural hazards and estimate possible drawbacks or damages.
Risk assessment - What are the acceptable levels of risk?
- Apply principles to determine acceptable risks to human life and assets in order to identify locations which should receive added protection.
- Explain causes for conflicts between risk perception and risk analysis.
Risk management - What steps should be taken to manage risks?
- Explain how various hazard mitigation approaches reduce risk.
- Describe hazard scenarios as a base for adequate dimensioning of control measures.
- Identify the best alternative from a set of thinkable measures based on an evaluation scheme.
- Explain the principles of risk-governance.
ContentDie Vorlesung besteht aus folgenden Blöcken:
1) Einführung ins Vorgehenskonzept (1W)
2) Risikoanalyse (6W + Exkursion) mit:
- Systemabgrenzung
- Gefahrenbeurteilung
- Expositions- und Folgenanalyse
3) Risikobewertung (2W)
4) Risikomanagement (2W + Exkursion)
5) Abschlussbesprechung (1W)