Irene Sonja Vogel Kahmann: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2023 |
Name | Ms Irene Sonja Vogel Kahmann |
Address | Kantonsspital Schaffhausen Geissberg 81 8208 Schaffhausen SWITZERLAND |
Telephone | 052 634 84 39 |
Fax | 052 634 24 99 | | |
Department | Chemistry and Applied Biosciences |
Relationship | Lecturer |
Number | Title | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
535-5512-00L | Triage, Diagnostics, Therapy Support | 9 credits | 12G | E. Kut Bacs, S. Erni, P. Obrist, D. Petralli-Nietlispach, S. Ruppen, I. S. Vogel Kahmann, P. Wiedemeier | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Abstract | This course provides basic clinical and pharmaceutical knowledge and skills for triage, diagnostics and therapy support of the most common diseases. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Learning objective | Students • know and understand the pathomechanisms and clinical lead and warning symptoms (red flags) of the most common diseases in the fields listed below. • can use this knowledge to triage patients: i.e. analyse simple symptoms and diseases, make a tentative diagnosis and recommend suitable medication or further examinations or measures. • know the therapeutic guidelines, classes of active ingredients and selected, practice-relevant drugs (including indications and the most frequent and important adverse drug reactions, interactions and contraindications). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Content | "Pharmaceutical Care" und "Health Care"; Häufigste Erkrankungen und Therapien der - Allergologie - Angiologie und Hämatologie - Dermatologie - Endokrinologie und Diabetologie - Gastroenterologie - Infektiologie - Kardiologie - Neurologie - Ophthalmologie - Otorhinolaryngologie - Pneumologie - Psychiatrie - Rheumatologie - Urologie Grundlagen der Chiropraktischen Medizin und Physiotherapie. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lecture notes | Provided via moodle. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Literature | As stated in the lecture notes. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Please note that the assessment of this course must be passed (not compensable). The performance assessment of the course takes place in two written on campus online partial examinations. The overall grade results from the average of the grades of both partial examinations. If the overall grade is unsatisfactory, both partial examinations must be repeated. The courses Pharmacology and Toxicology I and II and Pathobiology provide indispensable basics which students must master at the beginning of the semester in order to successfully complete the course. Pharmacology and Toxicology III must be visited at the same time. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Competencies |
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535-5521-00L | Therapeutic Skills I | 3 credits | 3G | A. Küng Krähenmann, S. Erni, E. Kut Bacs, D. Petralli-Nietlispach, D. Stämpfli, I. S. Vogel Kahmann, P. Wiedemeier | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Abstract | This course provides basic knowledge relevant to pharmacy and its application in nephrology, phytotherapy, complementary medicine, wound care and pharmaceutical care. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Learning objective | Students know and understand the therapeutic concepts of the mentioned topics and their application in practice. (for detailed learning objectives see the guidelines) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Content | • complementary medicine • phytotherapy • wound care • pharmaceutical care 2 • nephrology | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lecture notes | Provided via myStudies. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Literature | As specified in the lecture notes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Competencies |
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535-5522-00L | Therapeutic Skills II | 3 credits | 3G | A. Küng Krähenmann, S. Erni, E. Kut Bacs, D. Petralli-Nietlispach, D. Stämpfli, I. S. Vogel Kahmann, P. Wiedemeier | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Abstract | This course provides basic clinical and pharmaceutical knowledge and its application for triage, diagnostics and therapy support for the most common diseases in geriatrics, women's healtch, oncology, paediatrics and neurology (epilepsy). In addition, the role of nutrition in special life situations and in selected health disorders is taught. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Learning objective | students - know and understand the pathomechanisms and the clinical lead and warning symptoms (red flags) of the most common diseases in the fields listed. - can triage patients by applying this knowledge: i.e. analyse simple symptoms and disease patterns, make a tentative diagnosis and recommend suitable medication or further examinations or measures. - know the therapeutic guidelines, drug classes and selected, practice-relevant drugs (including indications and the most frequent and important dosages, adverse drug reactions, interactions and contraindications). (for detailed learning objectives, see the guideline) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Content | • nutrition • geriatrics • neurology (epilepsy) • oncology • paediatrics • women's health | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lecture notes | Provided via myStudies. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Literature | As specified in the lecture notes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Competencies |
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535-5526-00L | Injection Techniques and Vaccinations | 2 credits | 3G | I. S. Vogel Kahmann, C. Halin Winter | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Abstract | Die Studierenden erlernen die praktische Durchführung von subkutanen (s.c.) und intramuskulären (i.m.) Injektionen. Sie wissen, wie in Notfallsituationen vorzugehen ist. Die Besonderheiten von häufig eingesetzten parenteral zu verabreichenden Medikamenten, insbesondere von Impfungen, sind bekannt. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Learning objective | Die Studierenden erwerben das theoretische Wissen und die praktischen Fähigkeiten, welche für die s.c. und i.m. Verabreichung von Medikamenten erforderlich sind. Sie sind fähig, Risikopatienten zu identifizieren und sind geschult, bei Notfällen (z.B. Anaphylaxie) korrekt zu handeln. Die Studierenden kennen die in der Schweiz zur Verfügung stehenden Impfungen, den schweizerischen Impfplan und sind vertraut mit der Anwendung von elektronischen Hilfsmitteln bei Fragestellungen rund um das Impfen. Die Studierenden kennen die rechtlichen Grundlagen und regulatorischen Aspekte bezüglich Impfen in der Apotheke. Die Studierenden kennen verschiedene Verbandmaterialen und können diese anwenden, um akute Wunden zu versorgen. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Content | Die Lernziele und Inhalte entsprechen dem Fähigkeitsprogramm FPH Impfen und Blutentnahme von PharmaSuisse (ausser venöse Blutentnahmen) - BLS-AED-SRC Komplettkurs (siehe - Vorgehen bei Notfällen (z.B. Herzinfarkt, Schlaganfall, Anaphylaxie u.a.) in der Apotheke - Vorgehen bei der Versorgung akuter Wunden - Injektionstechniken: Materialkunde, Hygienevorschriften und Desinfektion, Kommunikation mit Patienten, Vor- und Nachbereitung einer Injektion, praktische Durchführung von subkutanen Injektionen und intramuskulären Injektionen - Theorie und praktische Aspekte bei der Durchführung von subkutanen Blutentnahmen - Impfübungen (z.B. Lesen von Impfausweisen, Erstellen eines individuellen Impfschemas, Impfdebatte) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lecture notes | Wird auf mystudies veröffentlicht. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Literature | Wird im Skript angegeben. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Die Injektionsübungen werden an Mitstudierenden durchgeführt. Deshalb müssen sich alle Studierenden gegen Hepatitis B impfen und eine Titerbestimmung nach der 3. Impfung durchführen lassen. (Ziel: Titer über 100 UI/l). Der Nachweis über den ausreichenden Titer muss am ersten Kurstag mitgebracht werden. Die praktischen Uebungen werden in Kleingruppen durchgeführt. Die Zuteilung muss eingehalten werden. Unterschiedliche Anfangszeiten beachten! Film und Tonaufnahmen während der Lehrveranstaltung sind strikte untersagt . Schutzkonzept: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Competencies |